我第一次使用 AJAX 向我的 mysql 数据库发送一个简单的查询,该数据库将添加一个“产品”。但是它似乎没有将请求发送到我的数据库。我有 3 个文件 addProduct.php 是表单的基础,test.js 是请求的 javascript/ajax,我的 addProductTodatabase 是查询的位置。


  • addProduct.php 位于 F:\xampp\htdocs\cw test.js 位于
  • test.js 位于 F:\xampp\htdocs\cw\javaScript
  • addProductTodatabase.php 位于 F:\xampp\htdocs\cw\mysql


<form name ="myForm" class = "hidden" id = "addProduct">
            <h2 class = "under"> Next step: </h2>
            <h4> Fill in the following information </h4>
            <label class = "under" > Product Name <input type="text" name="ProductName" id = "productName"> </label>
            <label class = "under" > Product category <input type="text" name="ProductCategory" id = "productCat"> </label>
            <label class = "under" > Suitable age plus  <input type="text" name="ProductAge" id = "productAge"> </label>
            <label class = "under" >Add a Product discrition </label>
            <textarea  id = "productArea" name ="ProductDis" rows="15" cols="100"></textArea>
            <label class = "under" > Product Price <input type="text" name="ProductPrice" id = "productPrice"> </label>
            <label class = "under" > Number available  <input type="text" name="ProductInStock" id = "productAvailable"> </label>
            <label class = "under" > Image location <input type ="file" name= "ImageLocation" id= "imageLocation"> </label>         
            <input type ="button" onclick = "queryTest()" value = "Submit to database">

            <div id = "loading">this should update </div>

test.js 使用此代码..

function queryTest()

var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
     document.getElementById('loading').innerHTML = "Please wait..."; 
  //document.getElementById('loading').innerHTML = "Please wait..."; 
  // gets the variables and passes it onto the php page in the url bar
  var productName = document.getElementById('productName').value;
  var productCat = document.getElementById('productCat').value;
  var productAge = document.getElementById('productAge').value;
  var productDis = document.getElementById('productArea').value;
  var productPrice = document.getElementById('productPrice').value;
  var productStock = document.getElementById('productAvailable').value;
  var productImage = document.getElementById('imageLocation').value;
  var queryString = "?ProductName=" + productName + "&ProductCategory=" +  productCat;
  queryString += "&ProductAge=" + productAge + "&ProductDis=" + productDis;
  queryString += "&ProductPrice=" + productPrice + "&ProductInStock=" + productStock;
  queryString += "&ImageLocation=" + productImage;

xmlhttp.open("GET","../mysql/addProductTodatabase.php" + queryString,true);


和 addProductToDatabase 使用这个...


    include "databaseLogIn.php";

//get variables from page before  
    $ProductName = $_GET["ProductName"];  
    $ProductCategory = $_GET["ProductCategory"]; 
    $ProductAge = $_GET["ProductAge"];
    $ProductDis = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ProductDis"]); 
    $ProductPrice = $_GET["ProductPrice"];
    $ProductInStock = $_GET["ProductInStock"];
    include "/imageHander/imagePointerDownloader.php";

//adds to table
    $sql ="INSERT INTO Product ( ProductName, ProductCategory, SuitableAge, ProductDiscription, ProductPrice, ProductAvailable) 
    VALUES ('$ProductName','$ProductCategory','$ProductAge','$ProductDis','$ProductPrice','$ProductInStock')"; 

// gets the product id
    $query="SELECT * FROM Product"; 

    $PictureCaption = "this is a picture";
// adds picture caption
//adds a image to the table related to the product  
    $sql="INSERT INTO ProductPictures (ItemID, PictureCaption, ImagePointer)
        VALUES ('$ItemID', '$PictureCaption', '$newFile')";
//echo $sql;





1 回答 1




include "databaseLogIn.php";

//get variables from page before  
    $ProductName = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ProductName"],$con);  
    $ProductCategory = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ProductCategory"],$con); 
    $ProductAge = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ProductAge"],$con); 
    $ProductDis = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ProductDis"],$con); 
    $ProductPrice = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ProductPrice"],$con); 
    $ProductInStock = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["ProductInStock"],$con); 

// Check if this is the right path - who knows?
    include "./imageHander/imagePointerDownloader.php";

//adds to table
    $sql ="INSERT INTO Product ( ProductName, ProductCategory, SuitableAge, ProductDiscription, ProductPrice, ProductAvailable) 
    VALUES ('$ProductName','$ProductCategory','$ProductAge','$ProductDis','$ProductPrice','$ProductInStock')"; 

// gets the product id
    $query="SELECT * FROM Product"; 

// adds picture caption    
    $PictureCaption = "this is a picture";

//adds a image to the table related to the product  
    $sql="INSERT INTO ProductPictures (ItemID, PictureCaption, ImagePointer)
        VALUES ('$ItemID', '$PictureCaption', '$newFile')";

//echo $sql;

// ---
// You were missing a semicolon here.
// ---

// ---    
// You were missing a semicolon also here.    
// ---


而且您的test.js的 addProductTodatabase.php 网址错误。它应该是:

xmlhttp.open("GET","./mysql/addProductTodatabase.php" + queryString,true);

该路径相对于包含脚本的 html/php 文件

加上 j0k 说的是对的。你应该使用 MySQLi。MySQL 已弃用。

于 2013-01-19T15:21:42.173 回答