I have an input field with the the id "id_email". A user will enter his email into this field on my form. I am trying to run some validation code on the email that the user inputs. I would like to pass the inputted value to the server to compare it to the database, but jQuery keeps returning a blank string.


<div class="fieldWrapper">
                <label for="email">Email</label>
                <input type="text" placeholder="Email" id="id_email" name="email" maxlength="75">


function CheckDuplicateEmail(invalidForm)
    $.ajax({ type: "POST",
             url: "/CheckDuplicateEmail/",
             dataType: "json",
             data: {"email" : $("#id_email").html()},
             success: function(jsonObject) 
                if (jsonObject === "exists")
                    $("this").append("<ul class=\"errorlist\"><li>This email already exists<li></ul>")
                    invalidForm = true;
                    invalidForm = false;

When I look at the AJAX post that is being sent to the server, I can see that email is blank. The line $("#id_email").html() is failing. I know that the selector is working correctly because the AJAX request is sent to the server. This implies that $("#id_email").focusout is working correctly. Since this statement uses the same selector as the $("#id_email").html() statement, I have to assume the html() function is wrong. Note that I tried the text() function with the same results.

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?


2 回答 2


更改此行data: {"email" : $("#id_email").html()},

data: {"email" : $("#id_email").val()},


于 2012-09-17T02:50:29.277 回答


function CheckDuplicateEmail(invalidForm)
    $.ajax({ type: "POST",
             url: "/CheckDuplicateEmail/",
             dataType: "json",
             data: {"email" : $("#id_email").val()},
             success: function(jsonObject) 
                if (jsonObject === "exists")
                    $("this").append("<ul class=\"errorlist\"><li>This email already exists<li></ul>")
                    invalidForm = true;
                    invalidForm = false;

您可以查看这篇文章以了解更多何时使用 getter.html().val().text()

于 2012-09-17T02:50:42.327 回答