在 .net 4.0 中开发并使用SQL 2008
在 .net 4.0 中开发并使用SQL 2008
So you're trying to implement your own locking mechanism. See how to mitigate the problems of Deadlocking that should give you an idea. Basically either you use notifications or stamps to track lock's owner status (if it's dead or still using the resource), preventing resource starvation.
Requested example
There are 2 users. User A and User B.
User A open a view within your app, then two things happen:
Then User B try to access to that view, you check on the db for the resource and for the lock table and if there's a lock on that view whose time isn't superior from 15 minutes then you deny access. BUT if time is most that 15 minutes you grant the access to the User B and remove the access from the User A.
If either User A or User B successfully close the view, then you just remove the entrance from the DB.
This is a very simple example but should give you an idea of what I mean.
我以前也遇到过类似的情况。在这种情况下,您将不得不假设用户对该项目采取行动的最长时间(例如 15 分钟)。创建一个名为 item_lock 的表,其中包含 2 列:item_id、lock_aquired_time。每次用户单击任何项目时,都会在此表中插入一条记录。如果任何其他用户尝试打开该项目.. 将在他的屏幕上弹出一条通知,说明该资源已被 XYZ 锁定以执行操作。此外,您将需要创建一个每分钟运行一次的服务,并将删除任何超过 15 分钟的记录。
PS:每当任何用户完成对任何项目的操作时..该行将从 item_lock 表中删除。