dfr <- data.frame(seg=sample(1:6, 20, replace=TRUE), start=sample(1:100, 20, replace=TRUE), end=sample(1:100,20, replace=TRUE) )
plot(c(1,100), c(1,6), type="n")
with(dfr, segments(y0=seg, y1=seg, x0=start, x1=end, col=2:7, lwd=3))
Contig <- read.table(text=" Start1 Stop1 Start2 Stop2 Start3 Stop3 Start4 Stop4
1 1 90 90 100 120 150 200 400
2 1 100 120 150 200 400 NA NA
3 1 30 90 100 120 135 200 400
4 1 100 120 140 200 400 NA NA
5 -35 80 90 100 130 150 200 400
6 1 100 200 300 360 400 NA NA")
# the reshape function can be tricky.... but seems to finally work.
reshape(Contig, direction="long", sep="",
Stop=names(Contig)[c(2,4,6,8)] ) )
time Start1 Stop1 id
1.1 1 1 90 1
2.1 1 1 100 2
3.1 1 1 30 3
4.1 1 1 100 4
5.1 1 -35 80 5
6.1 1 1 100 6
1.2 2 90 100 1
2.2 2 120 150 2
3.2 2 90 100 3
4.2 2 120 140 4
5.2 2 90 100 5
6.2 2 200 300 6
1.3 3 120 150 1
2.3 3 200 400 2
3.3 3 120 135 3
4.3 3 200 400 4
5.3 3 130 150 5
6.3 3 360 400 6
1.4 4 200 400 1
2.4 4 NA NA 2
3.4 4 200 400 3
4.4 4 NA NA 4
5.4 4 200 400 5
6.4 4 NA NA 6
LContig <- reshape(Contig, direction="long", sep="",
varying=list(Start=names(Contig)[c(1,3,5,7)], Stop=names(Contig)[c(2,4,6,8)] ) )
plot(range(c(Contig$Start1, Contig$Stop1) , na.rm=TRUE ), c(1,6),
type="n", xlab="Segments", ylab="Groups")
with(LContig, segments(y0=id, y1=id, x0=Start1, x1=Stop1, col=2:7, lwd=3))