我使用启动和远程访问权限执行了 DCOMCNFG,授予我在每个节点上的本地登录权限。在 root 和远程机器上安装 OpenMPI_v1.6.1-x64。已在目标节点中指定 .exe 的路径。但是在使用 mpirun 从根节点运行 .exe 时。我收到以下错误:
D:\x64\Release>mpirun -np 2 -hostfile myhostfile.txt MPISample.exe
connecting to n1234
Save Credential?(Y/N) n
[n1205:04420] Could not connect to namespace cimv2 on node n1234. Error code =-2147023174
mpirun was unable to start the specified application as it encountered an error.
More information may be available above.
[n1205:04420] [[28225,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent t
o a process whose contact information is unknown in file ..\..\..\openmpi-1.6.1\
orte\mca\rml\oob\rml_oob_send.c at line 145
[n1205:04420] [[28225,0],0] attempted to send to [[28225,0],1]: tag 1
[n1205:04420] [[28225,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: A message is attempting to be sent t
o a process whose contact information is unknown in file ..\..\..\openmpi-1.6.1\
orte\orted\orted_comm.c at line 126
更具体地说,我在两个节点中都使用 windows7-64bit 操作系统,相同的用户登录。