#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* function header definitions */
char* getString(); //<- with malloc (good practice)
char * getStringNoMalloc(); //<- without malloc (fails! don't do this!)
void getStringCallByRef(char* reference); //<- callbyref (good practice)
/* the main */
int main(int argc, char*argv[]) {
//######### calling with malloc
char * a = getString();
printf("MALLOC ### a = %s \n", a);
//######### calling without malloc
char * b = getStringNoMalloc();
printf("NO MALLOC ### b = %s \n", b); //this doesnt work, question to yourself: WHY?
//HINT: the warning says that a local reference is returned. ??!
//NO free here!
//######### call-by-reference
char c[100];
printf("CALLBYREF ### c = %s \n", c);
return 0;
//WITH malloc
char* getString() {
char * string;
string = malloc(sizeof(char)*100);
strcat(string, "bla");
strcat(string, "/");
strcat(string, "blub");
printf("string : '%s'\n", string);
return string;
//WITHOUT malloc (watch how it does not work this time)
char* getStringNoMalloc() {
char string[100] = {};
strcat(string, "bla");
strcat(string, "/");
strcat(string, "blub");
//INSIDE this function "string" is OK
printf("string : '%s'\n", string);
return string; //but after returning.. it is NULL? :)
// ..and the call-by-reference way to do it (prefered)
void getStringCallByRef(char* reference) {
strcat(reference, "bla");
strcat(reference, "/");
strcat(reference, "blub");
//INSIDE this function "string" is OK
printf("string : '%s'\n", reference);
//OUTSIDE it is also OK because we hand over a reference defined in MAIN
// and not defined in this scope (local), which is destroyed after the function finished
编译它时,您会收到 [intended] 警告:
me@box:~$ gcc -o example.o example.c
example.c: In function ‘getStringNoMalloc’:
example.c:58:16: warning: function returns address of local variable [-Wreturn-local-addr]
return string; //but after returning.. it is NULL? :)
me@box:~$ ./example.o
string : 'bla/blub'
MALLOC ### a = bla/blub
string : 'bla/blub'
NO MALLOC ### b = (null)
string : 'bla/blub'
CALLBYREF ### c = bla/blub
用户@phoxis 已经很好地回答了这个问题。基本上这样想:{和}之间的所有内容都是本地范围,因此 C-Standard 在外部是“未定义的”。通过使用 malloc,您可以从HEAP(程序范围)而不是从STACK(函数范围)获取内存 - 因此它从外部“可见”。第二种正确的方法是call-by-reference。在这里,您在父范围内定义 var,因此它使用 STACK(因为父范围是main())。
3 种方法,其中一种是错误的。C 有点笨拙,只是让一个函数返回一个动态大小的字符串。要么你必须 malloc 然后释放它,要么你必须通过引用调用。或者使用 C++ ;)