我有一大堆图像,需要过滤掉所有有人脸的图像。是否有这样一个 Java 库提供了一个方法,该方法将图像作为输入并输出是或否?


1 回答 1


您可以使用JavaCV进行人脸检测。JavaCV 是 OpenCV 的 Java 包装器。它不提供真/假,而是图片中人脸的位置。您可以执行以下操作:

public class FaceDetect {

   // Create memory for calculations
   CvMemStorage storage = null;

   // Create a new Haar classifier
   CvHaarClassifierCascade classifier = null;

   // List of classifiers
   String[] classifierName = {
                "./classifiers/haarcascade_profileface.xml" };

   public FaceDetect() {
        // Allocate the memory storage
        storage = CvMemStorage.create();

        // Load the HaarClassifierCascade
        classifier = new CvHaarClassifierCascade(cvLoad(classifierName[0]));

        // Make sure the cascade is loaded
        if (classifier.isNull()) {
                System.err.println("Error loading classifier file");

   public boolean find (Image value ){
        // Clear the memory storage which was used before

                // Detect the objects and store them in the sequence
                CvSeq faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(value.getImage(), classifier,
                                storage, 1.1, 3, CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING);

                // Get the number of faces found.
                int total = faces.total();
                if (total > 0) {
                    return true;
        return false;
于 2012-09-11T22:06:58.840 回答