文档说 Google Play 中的 APK 大小限制为 50MB,可选择两个 2GB 扩展 APK。

但是,我可以在 Google Play 商店中找到超出 50MB 限制的应用程序(例如 Gears & Guts 是 371MB)。我可以直接从 Google Play 本身下载此游戏,无需外部下载器。作为顶级开发者,他们是否有一些额外的功能来上传超过 50MB 的 APK,或者 Google Play 是否只是隐藏了它正在下载扩展文件而不是 APK 本身的事实?


2 回答 2


Expansion files act kind of weird. To the user, they look like a normal app. A 50MB app with 150MB worth of expansion files will look like a 200MB download. Google Play will download the main app first. It will then download the main expansion file and then the patch expansion file. All in seemingly one lump sum.

However, it is possible for the download to be partial. I.E., the user can finish the main app download without the expansion files. As such, you MUST implement a custom downloader in order to retrieve the remaining files on the event the initial download fails. To make things a bit more complicated, sometimes the expansion files are not included in the initial download. I don't know what causes this, but I've seen it happen on rare occasions.

于 2012-09-11T14:14:36.387 回答

更新:我刚刚再次下载了我的 APK 和 Gears 和 Guts,它们都显示为一个下载,但如果您查看状态栏中的下载状态,它会显示它正在下载一个附加文件。


于 2012-09-11T14:09:29.103 回答