我的问题是 Powershell。我有一个很大的文件夹。Insider 大约有 1 600 000 个子文件夹。我的任务是删除它们下面所有超过 6 个月的空文件夹或文件。我用 foreach 写了一个循环,但是在 powershell 开始之前需要很长时间->


foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem -Path $rootPath -recurse -force | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $date })
# here comes a script which will erase the file when its older than 6 months
# here comes a script which will erase the folder if it's a folder AND does not have child items of its own


问题:我的内存已满(4GB),我不能正常工作了。我的猜测:powershell 加载所有 1 600 000 个文件夹,然后才开始过滤它们。



1 回答 1


你是对的,所有 160 万个文件夹,或者至少是对它们的引用,都是一次加载的。最佳做法是向左过滤并向右格式化;IOW,如果可能的话,在您点击之前删除这些文件夹Where-Object(不幸的是,gci不支持日期过滤器 AFAICT)。此外,如果您将事情保留在管道中,您将使用更少的内存。


$items = Get-ChildItem -path $rootpath -recurse -force | ?{ $_.LastWriteTime -lt $date }
foreach ($item in $items) {
# here comes a script which will erase the file when its older than 6 months
# here comes a script which will erase the folder if it's a folder AND does not have child items of its own


function runScripts {
    # here comes a script which will erase the file when its older than 6 months. Pass $input into that script. $input will be a folder.
    # here comes a script which will erase the folder if it's a folder AND does not have child items of its own Pass $input into that script. $input will be a folder.
Get-ChildItem -path $rootpath -recurse -force | ?{ $_.LastWriteTime -lt $date }|runScripts

在最后一种情况下,您使用runScripts的函数将流水线对象用作可以在 ( $input) 上操作的参数,因此您可以通过管道发送所有内容,而不是使用那些中间对象(这将消耗更多内存)。

于 2012-09-10T14:23:23.760 回答