I have bunch of directories at a certain paths in the following possible format:
C:\Program Files\Logic\DDC[ 0 ]
C:\Program Files\Logic\DDC[ 1]
C:\Program Files\Logic\DDC[2 ]
C:\Program Files\Logic\DDC[3]
I'd like to accomplish the following:
1)Enumurate all of numbered DDC directories and store their paths them in a List of String
I.E: List<String> ddcPaths -> should have:
ddcPaths[0] = "DDC[0]";
ddcPaths[1] = "DDC[1]";
ddcPaths[2] = "DDC[2]";
2)Enumurate all files directly under the DDC folder but nothing deeper than that
I.E: If DDC[0] has a.txt, b.txt and obj\c.txt, I should get
List<String> ddc_0 -> should have
ddc_0[0] = "a.txt";
ddc_0[1] = "b.txt";
I hope my explanation was clear enough but if something didn't make sense, please let me know.