- 长度在 1 - 45 个字母之间
- Word 必须存在于 WordNet 数据库中
- 不能是“普通”字
- 不能是脏话
我已经满足了要求 1 - 3,但是我找不到区分脏话的方法;我该如何过滤它们?
我知道这不会是过滤掉所有脏话的明确方法,但会发生的是所有关键字在被版主“批准”之前首先设置为“待定”状态。但是,如果我能让 WordNet 过滤掉大部分的脏话,它会让版主的工作更轻松。
我已经满足了要求 1 - 3,但是我找不到区分脏话的方法;我该如何过滤它们?
我知道这不会是过滤掉所有脏话的明确方法,但会发生的是所有关键字在被版主“批准”之前首先设置为“待定”状态。但是,如果我能让 WordNet 过滤掉大部分的脏话,它会让版主的工作更轻松。
It's strange, the Unix command line version of WordNet (wn) will give you the desired information with the option -domn (domain):
wn ass -domnn (-domnv for a verb)
>>> USAGE->(noun) obscenity#2, smut#4, vulgarism#1, filth#4, dirty word#1
>>> USAGE->(noun) slang#2, cant#3, jargon#1, lingo#1, argot#1, patois#1, vernacular#1
However, the equivalent method in the NLTK just returns an empty list:
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
a = wordnet.synsets('ass')
for s in a:
for l in s.lemmas:
print l.usage_domains()
As an alternative you could try to filter words that have "obscene", "coarse" or "slang" in their SynSet's definition. But probably it's much easier to filter against a fixed list as suggested before (like the one at noswearing.com).
Update: There is also a curse word filter API at Mashape.