I am currently developing a simple AI for Othello using minimax and alpha-beta pruning.
My question is related to the evaluation function for the state of the board.
I am currently looking to evaluate it by looking at:
Disc count (parity)
Number of legal moves
Importance of particular positions
So lets say the root node is the initial game state. The first action is the the AI's action while the second action is the opponent's action.
/ \ AI's Action
1 1
/ \ \ Opponent's action
2 2 2
At node level 1, do I evaluate the disc count of my AI's chips and the number of legal moves it can make at the point of time after it has completed an action?
At node level 2, do I evaluate the disc count of the opponent's chips and the number of legal moves it can make at the point of time after the opponent has completed an action?
Meaning AI move -> Opponent move ==> At this point of time I evaluate the opponent's disc count and the number of legal the opponent can make.