我已经设置了一个 JUnit 测试,该测试正在测试一种称为copy(File src, File dest)简单地将文件内容复制srcdest文件的方法。我正在使用扫描仪同时迭代每个文件(当然是两个不同的扫描仪),然后将每个扫描仪next().equals().

该测试失败,告诉我文件不相等。但这怎么可能呢?当我打印它们时,这些字符串看起来是一样的,更不用说我hex dump在调用之后立即做了一个文件copy(),这些看起来也一样。但是,当我打印以字节为单位的每个值时next(),我确实得到了不同的字节模式。我很困惑为什么会发生这种情况,以及我可以对我的代码进行哪些更改来解决这个问题?


// The @Rule and @Before blocks are used as set up helper methods for @Test.
    public TemporaryFolder tmp = new TemporaryFolder();

    private File f1, f2;

    public void createTestData() throws IOException {
        f1 = tmp.newFile("src.txt");
        f2 = tmp.newFile("dest.txt");

        BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f1));
        out.write("This should generate some " +
                "test data that will be used in " +
                "the following method.");

    public void copyFileTest() throws FileNotFoundException, 
    Exception {
        try {
            copyFile(f1, f2);
        } catch (IOException e) {

        Scanner s1 = new Scanner(f1);
        Scanner s2 = new Scanner(f2);

        // FileReader is only used for debugging, to make sure the character
        // encoding is the same for both files.
        FileReader file1 = new FileReader(f1);
        FileReader file2 = new FileReader(f2);
        out.println("file 1 encoding: " +file1.getEncoding());
        out.println("file 2 encoding: " +file2.getEncoding());

        while (s1.hasNext() && s2.hasNext()) {
            String original = s1.next();
            String copy = s2.next();

            // These print out to be the same ...
            out.println("\ns1: " +original);
            out.println("s2: " +copy);

            // Nevertheless, this comparison fails!
            // These calls to getBytes() return different values.
            if (!(s1.equals(s2))) {
                out.println("\nComparison failed!! \ns1 in bytes: " +original.getBytes()+ 
                        "\ns2 in bytes: " +copy.getBytes());
                fail("The files are not equal.");


file 1 encoding: UTF8
file 2 encoding: UTF8

s1: This
s2: This

Comparison failed!! 
s1 in bytes: [B@16f5b392
s2 in bytes: [B@5ce04204

1 回答 1



于 2012-09-06T18:58:53.340 回答