I've read close to a dozen similar issues on this site, but I don't think my specific case was covered anywhere. I'm not a dba, this is just a side-project I was voluntold for because I knew more SQL than anyone else here, so I won't take it personally if somebody tells me this query is a disaster. :-)
This is my query:
SELECT COUNT(a.issue_type_id) as DistinctIssues, b.issue_type_name, c.subissue_type_name, null AS DistinctTickets
FROM [somedb].[dbo].[wh_task] AS a
INNER JOIN [somedb].[dbo].[wh_issue_type] AS b ON a.issue_type_id = b.issue_type_id
INNER JOIN [somedb].[dbo].[wh_subissue_type] AS c ON a.subissue_type_id = c.subissue_type_id
WHERE a.[create_time] between '11/01/12' AND '01/31/13'
AND a.[account_id] = 123456
AND a.[account_contact_id] is not null
GROUP BY b.issue_type_name, c.subissue_type_name
SELECT null as DistinctIssues, b.issue_type_name, c.subissue_type_name, COUNT(a.issue_type_id) as DistinctTickets
FROM [somedb].[dbo].[wh_task] AS a
INNER JOIN [somedb].[dbo].[wh_issue_type] AS b ON a.issue_type_id = b.issue_type_id
INNER JOIN [somedb].[dbo].[wh_subissue_type] AS c ON a.subissue_type_id = c.subissue_type_id
WHERE a.[create_time] between '11/01/12' AND '01/31/13'
AND a.[account_id] = 123456
GROUP BY b.issue_type_name, c.subissue_type_name
And the results look like this.
DistinctIssues issue_type_name subissue_type_name DistinctTickets
NULL Storage EMC 45
NULL Storage HP 2
NULL Symantec Anti Virus 1
NULL Symantec Backup Exec 4
NULL Virtualization Environmental 1
NULL Virtualization Network 5
1 Microsoft Server 2003 NULL
1 Microsoft Windows 7 NULL
1 Network Performance NULL
1 Virtualization Environmental NULL
2 Exchange Database NULL
I bet you can guess what I'm trying to do from here. I'm grouping by the two issue types, and I want the count of all tickets, as well as the count of a subset of those tickets. My database is a MS SQL server (2008, I believe). I only have access to views, for what that's worth.