我有一个输入设备,它给了我 3 个角度——围绕 x、y、z 轴旋转。

现在我需要使用这些角度来旋转 3D 空间,没有万向节锁定。我以为我可以转换为四元数,但显然因为我以 3 个角度获取数据,这无济于事吗?

如果是这种情况,我该如何正确旋转空间,请记住我的输入数据只是 x、y、z 轴旋转角度,所以我不能只是“避免”它。同样,围绕轴旋转的顺序移动也无济于事——无论如何,所有轴都将被使用,因此改变顺序不会完成任何事情。但肯定有办法做到这一点吗?


void generateVectorsFromAngles(double &lastXRotation,
                                                      double &lastYRotation,
                                                      double &lastZRotation,
                                                      JD::Vector &up,
                                                      JD::Vector &viewing) {
    JD::Vector yaxis = JD::Vector(0,0,1);
    JD::Vector zaxis = JD::Vector(0,1,0);
    JD::Vector xaxis = JD::Vector(1,0,0);
    up.rotate(xaxis, lastXRotation);
    up.rotate(yaxis, lastYRotation);
    up.rotate(zaxis, lastZRotation);
    viewing.rotate(xaxis, lastXRotation);
    viewing.rotate(yaxis, lastYRotation);
    viewing.rotate(zaxis, lastZRotation);



2 回答 2


如果您的设备为您提供绝对 X/Y/Z 角度(这意味着类似于实际的万向节),它将有一些特定的顺序来描述旋转发生的顺序。

既然您说“顺序无关紧要”,这表明您的设备类似于(几乎可以肯定?)一个 3 轴速率陀螺仪,并且您正在获得差分角度。在这种情况下,您希望将 3 个微分角度组合成一个旋转向量,并使用它来更新方向四元数,如下所示:

given differential angles (in radians):
  dXrot, dYrot, dZrot

and current orientation quaternion Q such that:
  {r=0, ijk=rot(v)} = Q {r=0, ijk=v} Q*

construct an update quaternion:
  dQ = {r=1, i=dXrot/2, j=dYrot/2, k=dZrot/2}

and update your orientation:
  Q' = normalize( quaternion_multiply(dQ, Q) )

请注意,dQ 只是单位四元数的粗略近似(这使得normalize()操作比平时更重要)。但是,如果您的微分角度不大,它实际上是一个很好的近似值。即使您的微分角度很大,这种简单的近似也比您可以做的许多其他事情少废话。如果您遇到大微分角度的问题,您可以尝试添加二次校正以提高您的准确性(如第三部分所述)。

然而,一个更可能的问题是,任何像这样的重复更新往往会漂移,如果没有别的,仅仅是因为累积的算术错误。此外,您的物理传感器会有偏差 - 例如,您的速率陀螺仪会有偏移,如果不进行校正,将导致您的方向估计Q缓慢进动。如果这种漂移对您的应用程序很重要,那么如果您想维护一个稳定的系统,您将需要一些方法来检测/纠正它。


given differential half-angle vector (in radians):
  dV = (dXrot, dYrot, dZrot)/2

compute the magnitude of the half-angle vector:
  theta = |dV| = 0.5 * sqrt(dXrot^2 + dYrot^2 + dZrot^2)

then the update quaternion, as used above, is:
  dQ = {r=cos(theta), ijk=dV*sin(theta)/theta}
     = {r=cos(theta), ijk=normalize(dV)*sin(theta)}

请注意,直接计算sin(theta)/thetaor 或normalize(dV)is 是接近零的奇异值,但接近零的向量的极限值ijk很简单ijk = dV = (dXrot,dYrot,dZrot),如第一节的近似值。如果你确实以这种方式计算你的更新四元数,直接的方法是检查这一点,并使用 small 的近似值theta(它是一个非常好的近似值!)。


cos(x)    ~  1 - x^2/2 + x^4/24 - x^6/720 ...
sin(x)/x  ~  1 - x^2/6 + x^4/120 - x^6/5040 ...


dQ = {r=1-theta*theta*(1.0/2), ijk=dV*(1-theta*theta*(1.0/6))}
Q' = normalize( quaternion_multiply(dQ, Q) )

附加项将扩展近似值的精确范围,但如果每次更新需要超过 +/-90 度,您可能应该使用第二部分中描述的精确三角函数。您还可以将泰勒展开式与精确三角解结合使用——通过允许您在近似值和精确公式之间无缝切换可能会有所帮助。

于 2012-09-06T20:25:38.877 回答

I think that the 'gimbal lock' is not a problem of computations/mathematics but rather a problem of some physical devices.

Given that you can represent any orientation with XYZ rotations, then even at the 'gimbal lock point' there is a XYZ representation for any imaginable orientation change. Your physical gimbal may be not able to rotate this way, but the mathematics still works :).

The only problem here is your input device - if it's gimbal then it can lock, but you didn't give any details on that.

EDIT: OK, so after you added a function I think I see what you need. The function is perfectly correct. But sadly, you just can't get a nice and easy, continuous way of orientation edition using XYZ axis rotations. I haven't seen such solution even in professional 3D packages.

The only thing that comes to my mind is to treat your input like a steering in aeroplane - you just have some initial orientation and you can rotate it around X, Y or Z axis by some amount. Then you store the new orientation and clear your inputs. Rotations in 3DMax/Maya/Blender are done the same way.

If you give us more info about real-world usage you want to achieve we may get some better ideas.

于 2012-09-06T09:55:11.457 回答