I was recently asked this question in an interview. Even though I was able to come up the O(n²) solution, the interviewer was obsessed with an O(n) solution. I also checked few other solutions of O(n logn) which I understood, but O(n) solution is still not my cup of tea which assumes appointments sorted by start-time.
Can anyone explain this?
Problem Statement: You are given n appointments. Each appointment contains a start time and an end time. You have to retun all conflicting appointments efficiently.
Person: 1,2, 3, 4, 5
App Start: 2, 4, 29, 10, 22
App End: 5, 7, 34, 11, 36Answer: 2x1 5x3
O(n logn) algorithm: separate start and end point like this:
2s, 4s, 29s, 10s, 22s, 5e, 7e, 34e, 11e, 36e
then sort all of this points (for simplicity let's assume each point is unique):
2s, 4s, 5e, 7e, 10s, 11e, 22s, 29s, 34e, 36e
if we have consecutive starts without ends then it is overlapping: 2s, 4s are adjacent so overlapping is there
We will keep a count of "s" and each time we encounter it will +1, and when e is encountered we decrease count by 1.