
throw Error.ArgumentNull("someParameter");

这里有一个例子,在第 89 行。


(我试图自己找到它,我尝试using了该文件顶部的命名空间,并试图让 Visual Studio 找到它,但到目前为止没有运气。)


3 回答 3




internal static ArgumentNullException ArgumentNull(string parameterName, string messageFormat, params object[] messageArgs)
    return new ArgumentNullException(parameterName, Error.Format(messageFormat, messageArgs));

如果您正在寻找类似的功能,请查看Code Contracts(适用于 Visual Studio 的非 Express 版本)。然后你可以写这样的东西:

using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

void MyMethod(string someParameter)
    Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException>(someParameter != null);

    // ...

...and it will throw an exception at run-time when this condition has not been met.

于 2013-03-29T23:02:54.923 回答

It is an internal helper class, with internal visibility. That's why you haven't been able to locate it.

Microsoft source code uses this pattern in a variety of places.

But why do it? It enables you to throw a consistent, nicely-formatted, localized exception without having to put that logic in every exception handler.

Taking that a step further, some definitions even contain compiler directives, such as:

        internal static ArgumentException InvalidEnumArgument( string parameterName, int invalidValue, Type enumClass ) {
            return new ArgumentException(Error.Format(CommonWebApiResources.InvalidEnumArgument, parameterName, invalidValue, enumClass.Name), parameterName);
            return new InvalidEnumArgumentException( parameterName, invalidValue, enumClass );

Other methods (such as PropertyNull()) are decorated with code analysis suppression messages.

Again, it's simply a convenience/consistency mechanism to avoid repeating this code all over the place.

I probably wouldn't suggest trying to use this exact code in your own project, because your needs will be different. But you can certainly use it as a pattern.

于 2013-03-29T23:05:30.777 回答

那是一个自定义的内部类型,它在 BCL 中不存在。

namespace System.Web.Http
    /// <summary>
    /// Utility class for creating and unwrapping <see cref="Exception"/> instances.
    /// </summary>
    internal static class Error


于 2013-03-29T23:01:51.083 回答