
I'm planning on making a little game. And I'm looking for an engine. Basically what I want is Unity, but then 2D. It's a very interface heavy game, stylized, so what I need is an engine (or similar) in which it's easy to draw lines, primitives and text (and bitmaps, though that's less important.) The game will have a game world, though you'll never directly see it. All you'll get is a bunch of information about it (text, lines, graphs, ...)

I know you could use Unity to make 2D games, though for what I have in mind it's not optimal and the way objects work in Unity isn't really how I want to structure my game. (I've worked a lot in Unity and absolutely love it, though I don't think it's the right tool for this game.)

What I love about Unity is that you can just build for any platform, with a single click, and it just works. It also already has it's own way of building your gameobjects, and since I'm making something very different, I don't want this. I need more control over the objects and actually only want the engine to draw stuff.

I was thinking about using Flash, ActionScript3. It should be very good at drawing lines and text. And hopefully just as easy to build.

I also checked out HTML5 and javascript, using KineticJS, which can draw lines and primites very easily (pretty much exactly like I want it), though I hate javascript and want more structured code. Maybe it's just me that I can't get javascript to be clean enough for my taste, but well, that's something we'll have to live with then :P

My question now is, since I never used flash. What are your thoughts on this. Is it perfect for this kind of stylized text-based games? Is it easy to build (I'm using FlashDevelop since that's a free way to make flash stuff)? On top of that, can I use a single code base for Windows and Mac (maybe even iOS, Android or other, though that's less important)?

Or maybe you have another suggestion I could check out? (I already checked out a bunch of other question here, though none were really helpful. So yea it's another 'I'm looking for an engine' question, so don't kill me for that. I already did quite a bit of looking around, though would love some more input from others.)

Edit1: I've been looking around some more and found Haxe (http://haxe.org/) seems promising, can anyone recommend this or?


3 回答 3


我认为 Flash/AC3 非常适合,特别是如果您使用 FlashDevelop。评论 Daniel MesSer:


这不是真的。如果您在一家只使用 Flash CS 的公司工作,可能就是这种情况。但是使用 FlashDevelop,您就拥有了一个功能齐全的 IDE。如果您查找一些第三方库,例如 Flixel、Citrus Engine 或 FlashPunk,您会发现可以完全满足您的需求的东西。

于 2012-09-05T13:18:26.390 回答

我还检查了 HTML5 和 javascript,使用 KineticJS,它可以很容易地绘制线条和 primites(非常像我想要的那样),尽管我讨厌 javascript 并且想要更结构化的代码。

编写面向对象的 javascript :-) 我是一个 oop-maniac,但我也开始发现 js 的美妙之处。即使在那里也可以编写漂亮的代码!;-)

关于 flash 和 AS3,这将是可能的,并且可能非常“容易”使用。我开始使用 AS2 进行编程(在那之前还有一些其他的东西)。但我个人认为闪存不是正确的方法。Flash 很久以前就达到了它的到期日期。

有几个用 HTML5 和 KineticJS 编码的游戏。您可以在 www.kineticjs.com 上找到一些示例。借助 HTML5 和 kinetic,您还可以使其同时适用于多个平台。

希望这可以帮助 :-)

于 2012-09-05T10:35:31.257 回答

我认为对于您想要做的事情,flash 不会是最佳工具。Flash 的美妙之处以及它的设计目的是将图形艺术家所做的事情和程序员所做的事情分开和结合起来。

您会看到,您使用 Flash 作为对齐、定位和导入/绘制图形以及执行复杂动画的工具。然后将它们导出为资产并使用 ActionScript 中的图形资源。这意味着程序员“永远”不必担心定位对象和游戏的视觉外观。程序员只需要提供当事情发生时应该发生的事情的功能(单击按钮,动画完成等)。


Flash 从未打算成为处理大量文本并以技术方式处理事情的工具,它的创建是为了以结构化方式轻松处理大量图形资源,程序员不必担心太多关于图形内容。

如果我对您想要做的事情的假设是正确的,那么您最好使用 JS。它会更适合您,因为您使用的复杂图形资产很少,对跨平台支持感兴趣并且基本上想要处理大量文本。

于 2012-09-05T12:54:42.090 回答