we are trying to transfer from our data center to aws. In both situations we have a few web servers with one master and two slave databases. We had to pull the switch monday back to the data center though. The ec2 mysql slaves were taking between 40 and 140 seconds to execute the homepage queries that take 1s tops from our data center. We are using 1 large and 1 xl slave, which should be actually a little more powerful than what we have in the datacenter. During that time our slave ec2s had a solid 100% cpu level. They have mounted ebs volumes. Anyone have any ideas what's going on here?


2 回答 2


如果您的主页使用 SQL 子查询,则 EC2 实例可能会非常慢,因为默认情况下它使用 MySQL 5.5(有关详细信息,请查看MySQL 在 EC2 上非常慢

于 2013-06-22T21:06:37.670 回答

EBS 不保证吞吐量(直到去年)。您将要尝试使用预置的 IOPS 挂载卷。这样可以保证您的磁盘 io,然后您可以排除 EBS 的问题。



于 2013-03-18T14:48:14.717 回答