I am working in a .net project and clients use SVN as source control. Currently we have a trunk version of the code which is in svn://svnserver.com/Code/Trunk and a branch is also present which is svn://svnserver.com/Code/Branches/Myteam. We are downloading the code from branch and working in our local machine and committing code changes in the branch

Now I wanted to merge the code changes from branch to trunk. When I started merging from BRANCH to TRUNK, I get the following error

svn://svnserver.com/Code/Trunk is not the same error as svn://svnserver

I don't know what's going wrong. But I am new to using SVN so I am not sure how to get rid of this error.

For both TRUNK and BRANCH, I have mapped my local folder correctly and the code is downloaded without any issues.

But only merging is becoming a problem. Do I need to do any settings in SVN? Any help wpuld be appreciated?


1 回答 1


您必须确保始终使用完全相同的 URL 访问您的 SVN 服务器。即使您的 SVN 服务器可以使用其中任何一个访问,svn://server/repos或者svn://server.company.com/repos您必须确保对两个分支使用相同的 URL。

如果您有一个工作副本想要更改/更正服务器的 URL,那么您可以使用“TortoiseSVN->Relocate...”命令来执行此操作。

于 2015-04-26T19:48:53.783 回答