My computer system consists of VirtualBox with Ubuntu 12.04 as the host and Windows7 as the guest. Ubuntu serves as my every day computer needs while Windows7 serves as my cross-platform testing needs. I am using MonoDevelop in Ubuntu 12.04 for all my C# needs. Is there is a GTK GUI designer for Ubuntu 12.04 that has the ability to help guide the alignment of the GTK Widgets like Visual Studio 2010 does for Controls? I've been really spoiled with Visual Studio GUI designer, I really like the auto snap(or is it called docking?) and alignment guidance features that VS Studio provides.


2 回答 2


根据我的研究,恐怕您拥有最好的 Linux 为单声道开发提供的功能。我能为您找到的最好的是Stetic GUI Designer。从来没有用过,但看起来很有希望。

我一直将 Eclipse 用于我的 C# 开发,并且在那个社区中绝对没有这样的东西。现在考虑换。

于 2012-09-03T16:37:31.697 回答

我认为你不能。GTK 使用表格概念进行设计。您可以使用垂直或水平容器,或表格...



于 2012-09-03T17:22:04.940 回答