void ShowDialog<TParentForm, TDialogForm, TModel, TEntity>(TParentForm t, TDialogForm m, Action callback)
where TParentForm : UserControl
where TModel : class, IModel<TEntity>, new()
where TDialogForm : Form, IEditableItem<TEntity>, new();
public void ShowDialog<TParentForm, TDialogForm, TModel, TEntity>(TParentForm t, TDialogForm m, Action callback)
where TParentForm : UserControl
where TModel : class, IModel<TEntity>, new()
where TDialogForm : Form, IEditableItem<TEntity>, new()
using (var dialogToShow = new TDialogForm())
dialogToShow.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
dialogToShow.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
dialogToShow.Model = new TModel();
// 2. show the new user control/form to the user.
var result = dialogToShow.ShowDialog(t);
// 3. handle the dialog result returned and update the UI appropriately.
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
// print status label.
我不完全确定为什么“TDialogForm m”参数仍然存在,因为它似乎没有在任何地方使用。
private void BtnAddNewServiceClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Presenter.ShowDialog<ServerRolesControl, AddNewServiceForm, ServiceModel, Role>(this, new AddNewServiceForm(), SetAddedRolesLabel);
private void BtnViewAllServicesClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Presenter.ShowDialog<ServerRolesControl, ViewRolesForm, ServiceModel, Role>(this, new ViewRolesForm(), SetDeletedRolesLabel);