There are some unclear points in your question, specifically it is not clear how you are saving your videos and pictures. I will explain a bit how saving happens in general so it might help you to find your problem.
First every app has its own sandbox into which it can save its data, and no app can access the sandbox of another app. On the other hand Apple allows any app to access the Photo Library but only in 2 ways: Reading from the Photo Library, or Writing data in the Photo Library. What is not allowed in the Photo Library is deleting data. Put differently, once you saved something in the Photo Library you can not delete it from your app, the user has to do this himself manually by going to the Photo Library and deleting it from there.
Usually saving in the Photo Library is done as follows:
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(imageToSave, nil, nil, nil); //for image files
UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum(pathOfVideoToSave, nil, nil, nil); //for video files
So if you don't have these lines in your code the files shouldn't be saved in the Photo Library. To save data in your app sandbox you usually use:
[dataToSave writeToFile:fullPathToFile atomically:NO];
So if you only have this line in your code then you will only have the images and video saved in your app sandbox and if you delete them from your sandbox they will not be found in the Photo Library. I hope this clarifies things for you.