private void createSpinnerValues(){
spinnerValues = new HashMap<String, Double>();
spinnerValues.put( "Sedentary", 1.2 );
spinnerValues.put( "Lightly Active", 1.375 );
spinnerValues.put( "Moderately Active", 1.55 );
spinnerValues.put( "Heavily Active", 1.725 );
} // end of createSpinnerValue
private Double getAnswer(String age, String in, String ft, String weight, Double selectedItemValueFromSpinner) {
double answer = ( ( 66 + ( 6.2377 * Double.parseDouble( weight ) ) +
( 12.7084 * ( Double.parseDouble( in ) * 12 + Double.parseDouble( ft ) ) )
- ( 6.8 * Double.parseDouble( age ) ) ) * selectedItemValueFromSpinner );
return answer;
} // end of getAnswer method
private Double getSelectedItemValueFromSpinnerText( String spinnerText ) {
Double val = spinnerValues.get( spinnerText );
if( val==null ){
Log.i( "DEMO", "Value is null" ); }
return val;
private void calculateWomen(){
String f1a = etft.getText().toString();
String f2a = etin.getText().toString();
String f3a = etweight.getText().toString();
String f4a = etage.getText().toString();
if ( ( f1a.isEmpty() || f2a.isEmpty() || f3a.isEmpty() || f4a.isEmpty() ) )
// call for custom toast
// Metric Formula for BMR (Women) English Unit
//655 + ( 4.3379 x weight in pounds ) +
//( 4.6980 x height in inches ) - ( 4.6756 x age in years )
String age, in, ft, weight;
Double answer;
age = etage.getText().toString();
in = etin.getText().toString();
ft = etft.getText().toString();
weight = etweight.getText().toString();
answer = ( ( 665 + ( 4.3379 * Double.parseDouble( weight ) ) +
( 4.6980 * ( Double.parseDouble( in ) ) * 12 + Double.parseDouble( ft ) )
- ( 4.6756 * Double.parseDouble( age ) ) ) * 1.2);
BigDecimal bd = BigDecimal.valueOf( answer );
bd = bd.setScale( 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR );
etanswer.setText( bd.toString() );
// call for custom toast
} // end of calculateWomen method