Asana looks like it is easy to use and extremely fast.

My company currently uses the slow and terrible Microsoft CRM, would it be possible to use Asana as the front end and send the inputted data to the MS CRM database?

I understand that a MS API is most likely needed as well, however does Asana have the capabilities?


1 回答 1


简短的回答是肯定的,有可能做到这一点,两种产品都有能力做你描述的事情。不过,Asana 的 API 相当新,因此您可能会有一些初始限制;但根据我怀疑你想做的事情,它应该足够了。

但是,除非你有一个非常敏捷和具有前瞻性的 IT 团队,否则我认为他们不会想要建立或支持这个。如果他们灵活且具有前瞻性思维,您可能不会使用 Microsoft CRM(或者至少不会很慢)。

于 2012-09-10T04:02:43.177 回答