我刚开始玩 KO,因为我想把它带入一个即将到来的项目中。在业余时间,我一直在工作中使用 Web 服务,这基本上是从对数据做一些事情开始,然后再做一些其他事情。所以首先我只是返回了一个药物名称列表。好的,让我们添加返回结果的计数。好的,让我们在模态中填充各个药物的详细信息。好的,让我们编辑一个药物名称。没有真正的韵律或理由,只是想出一些东西并玩弄KO。
- 单击“y”按钮获取我的搜索结果。然后我选择“Yasmin 28”药物
- 我在模态窗口中获得该药物的详细视图
- 我编辑药物名称并单击“保存”按钮
- 药物名称在模态窗口中更新
- 我“作弊”并更新搜索结果中的药物名称,方法是爬取 DOM 的那部分并将旧的药物名称替换为新的药物名称。
问题是,它没有利用 KO 的可观察性......如果我关闭模态并再次单击“Yasmin 28”药物链接,模态将显示“Yasmin 28”而不是我只是将其更改为(“很棒的东西”)。
我不太确定如何跟踪我的 observableArray 中的属性是否发生变化。我做了两个 observableArrays,一个保存搜索结果的药物名称列表,另一个保存药物的详细信息。我还为当前的药物名称做了一个 observable。
有人可以解释我需要做什么来跟踪我的药物名称吗?我已经包含了下面的代码以及我在最底部使用的 JSON。
<div id="shell">
<button class="load" value="j">j</button>
<button class="load" value="k">k</button>
<button class="load" value="x">x</button>
<button class="load" value="y">y</button>
<button class="load" value="z">z</button>
<p id="loading"><img src="#{facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}/img/spinner.gif"/></p>
<h3 data-bind="visible: drugList().length > 0"><span data-bind="text: count" class="count"></span> records returned</h3>
<ul data-bind="foreach: drugList">
<span data-bind="text: drugName" class="results_drug_name"></span>
<a data-bind="click: $root.showDetails" href="#" class="show">show details</a>
<!-- start modal: drug details -->
<div id="dialog" data-bind="jqDialog: {autoOpen: false, title: drugName}">
<p id="dialog_save_message" class="message_success">Changes saved successfully!!!!!!!!</p>
<table data-bind="foreach: drugListDetails" class="table" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1">
<th scope="row">pdlId</th>
<td data-bind="text: pdlId"></td>
<th scope="row">drugName</th>
<span data-bind="text: $root.drugName" class="readonly"></span>
<input id="edit_drugname" class="edit_textfield" type="text" value="" size="35" />
<button data-bind="click: $root.editSave" class="edit_buttons save">Save</button>
<button data-bind="click: $root.editCancel" class="edit_buttons cancel">Cancel</button>
<ul class="detail_actions">
<li><a data-bind="click: $root.edit" href="#" class="edit">edit</a></li>
<th scope="row">dosageFormDesc</th>
<td data-bind="text: dosageFormDesc"></td>
<th scope="row">strength</th>
<td data-bind="text: strength"></td>
<th scope="row">activeIngredient</th>
<td data-bind="text: activeIngredient"></td>
<th scope="row">tier</th>
<td data-bind="text: tier"></td>
<th scope="row">ancillaryCharge</th>
<td data-bind="text: ancillaryCharge"></td>
<th scope="row">preauthCode</th>
<td data-bind="text: preauthCode"></td>
<th scope="row">quantityLimit</th>
<td data-bind="text: quantityLimit"></td>
<th scope="row">prefAlternative</th>
<td data-bind="text: prefAlternative"></td>
<th scope="row">specialtyDrug</th>
<td data-bind="text: specialtyDrug"></td>
<th scope="row">partbCob</th>
<td data-bind="text: partbCob"></td>
<th scope="row">drugClassGroupId</th>
<td data-bind="text: drugClassGroupId"></td>
<th scope="row">drugClassId</th>
<td data-bind="text: drugClassId"></td>
<th scope="row">drugClass</th>
<td data-bind="text: drugClass"></td>
<th scope="row">genericInd</th>
<td data-bind="text: genericInd"></td>
<th scope="row">tip</th>
<td data-bind="text: tip"></td>
<!-- end modal: drug details -->
$(function() {
$('.load').click(function() {
var $letter = $(this).attr('value');
//show spinner
//load in drug list data
$.getJSON('/PreferredDrugList/service/preferredDrugs/' + $letter, function(data) {
//hide spinner
//replace drugList observableArray data
//preferredDrugs is an array of objects, each elem is an individual drug
//replace count observable data
});//end getJSON
});//end click
//setup modal dialog options
autoOpen: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
modal: true,
});//end ondomready
//custom binding to initialize a jQuery UI dialog
ko.bindingHandlers.jqDialog = {
init: function(element) {
ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback(element, function() {
update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
var options = ko.toJS(valueAccessor());
if (options) {
var myViewModel = {
count: ko.observable(), //# of records returned
drugList: ko.observableArray(), //list of drug names - an array of objects
drugListDetails: ko.observableArray(), //list of individual drug details
drugName: ko.observable(), //current drug name
//show drug details in modal
//func gets passed the current observableArray elem (the individual drug info we clicked on, this is an object)
showDetails: function(obj) {
//replace current drug name observable data
//replace drugListDetails observableArray data, otherwise we'll append data to the modal
//push individual drug info to details observableArray
//show dialog
return false;
//edit drug from modal
edit: function(obj) {
var $edit = $('#dialog').find('td .edit'),
$currentTD = $edit.closest('td');
return false;
//save an edit
editSave: function(obj) {
alert('TODO save back to the server');
var $saveBtn = $('#dialog').find('td .save'),
$currentTD = $saveBtn.closest('td'),
newDrugName = $('#edit_drugname').val(),
$dialog_save_message = $('#dialog_save_message');
//save new drug name to observable
$dialog_save_message.slideDown('slow', function() {
//animation complete
setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);
//cheat and update search results list with new drug name
$('.results_drug_name').each(function(index, elem) {
var $text = $(this).text();
if ($text === obj.drugName) {
//cancel an edit
editCancel: function(obj) {
var $cancelBtn = $('#dialog').find('td .cancel'),
$currentTD = $cancelBtn.closest('td');
<!--what's returned from the web service-->
"preferredDrugs": [(8)
"pdlId": 8090,
"drugName": "y-cof-dmx",
"dosageFormDesc": "Liquid",
"strength": "4MG/5ML; 15MG/5ML; 7.5MG/5ML",
"tier": "OTC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 74,
"drugClassId": 152,
"drugClass": "Respiratory Tract Agents » Antitussives",
"genericInd": "1",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 13417,
"drugName": "YASMIN 28",
"dosageFormDesc": "Tablet",
"strength": "3MG; 0.03MG",
"tier": "3",
"ancillaryCharge": "AC",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": "28.0 tabs each 28 days",
"prefAlternative": "ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone",
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 3,
"drugClassId": 200,
"drugClass": "Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes » Contraceptives",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 24765,
"drugName": "YAZ",
"dosageFormDesc": "Tablet",
"strength": "3MG; 0.02MG",
"tier": "3",
"ancillaryCharge": "AC",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": "28.0 tabs each 28 days",
"prefAlternative": "ethinyl estradiol/drospirenone",
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 3,
"drugClassId": 200,
"drugClass": "Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes » Contraceptives",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 2252,
"drugName": "YERVOY",
"dosageFormDesc": "Solution",
"strength": "50MG/10ML",
"activeIngredient": "IPILIMUMAB",
"tier": "NC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 115,
"drugClassId": 1,
"drugClass": "Antineoplastic Agents",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 20993,
"drugName": "YERVOY",
"dosageFormDesc": "Solution",
"strength": "200MG/40ML",
"activeIngredient": "IPILIMUMAB",
"tier": "NC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 115,
"drugClassId": 1,
"drugClass": "Antineoplastic Agents",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 564,
"drugName": "YF-VAX",
"dosageFormDesc": "Injection",
"strength": "0",
"activeIngredient": "YELLOW FEVER VACCINE",
"tier": "NC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 79,
"drugClassId": 284,
"drugClass": "Serums, Toxoids and Vaccines » Vaccines",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 8910,
"drugName": "yodefan-nf chest congestion",
"dosageFormDesc": "Liquid",
"strength": "200MG/5ML",
"activeIngredient": "GUAIFENESIN",
"tier": "OTC",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": null,
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 84,
"drugClassId": 155,
"drugClass": "Respiratory Tract Agents » Expectorants",
"genericInd": "1",
"tip": " "
"pdlId": 13101,
"drugName": "YODOXIN",
"dosageFormDesc": "Tablet",
"strength": "650MG",
"activeIngredient": "IODOQUINOL",
"tier": "3",
"ancillaryCharge": "NA",
"preauthCode": " ",
"quantityLimit": " ",
"prefAlternative": "iodoquinol",
"specialtyDrug": " ",
"partbCob": " ",
"drugClassGroupId": 164,
"drugClassId": 277,
"drugClass": "Anti-infective Agents » Antiprotozoals",
"genericInd": "0",
"tip": " "
"count": 8