.Net 中是否有任何多维数组/集合/任何数据类型,其元素可以通过向量访问(轻松改变维数)?像这样(C#):

var array = new Smth<double>(capacity: new int[] {xCap, yCap, zCap});
array[new int[] {x, y, z}] = 10.0;




// 3D array
var array = new Smth<double>(capacity: new int[] {xCap, yCap, zCap});
array[new int[] {x, y, z}] = 10.0;

// 6D array
var array = new Smth<double>(capacity: new int[] {xCap, yCap, zCap, tCap, vCap, mCap}); 
array[new int[] {x, y, z, t, v, m}] = 10.0;

1 回答 1


虽然没有像这样的现成集合,但您可以使用 aDictionary<int[],double>和 custom轻松模拟它们IEqualityComparerer<int[]>,如下所示:

class ArrayEq : IEqualityComparerer<int[]> {
    public bool Equals(int[] a, int[] b) {
        return a.SequenceEquals(b);
    public int GetHashCode(int[] a) {
        return a.Aggregate(0, (p, v) => 31*p + v);


// The number of dimensions does not matter: if you pass a different number
// of dimensions, nothing bad is going to happen.
IDictionary<int[],double> array = new Dictionary<int[],double>(new ArrayEq());
array[new[] {1,2,3}] = 4.567;
array[new[] {1,2,-3}] = 7.654; // Negative indexes are OK
double x = array[new[] {1,2,3}]; // Get 4.567 back



编辑:如果您需要预先分配存储空间并避免存储索引,您可以自己实现一个多维数组 - 如下所示:

class MultiD<T> {
    private readonly T[] data;
    private readonly int[] mul;
    public MultiD(int[] dim) {
        // Add some validation here:
        // - Make sure dim has at least one dimension
        // - Make sure that all dim's elements are positive
        var size = dim.Aggregate(1, (p, v) => p * v);
        data = new T[size];
        mul = new int[dim.Length];
        mul[0] = 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < mul.Length; i++) {
            mul[i] = mul[i - 1] * dim[i - 1];
    private int GetIndex(IEnumerable<int> ind) {
        return ind.Zip(mul, (a, b) => a*b).Sum();
    public T this[int[] index] {
        get { return data[GetIndex(index)]; }
        set { data[GetIndex(index)] = value; }


于 2013-04-26T18:29:43.793 回答