// 0 args to constructor
template <class T>
inline T* AllocateObject() { return new (InternalAllocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(); }
// 1 args to constructor
template <class T, typename arg0>
inline T* AllocateObject(const arg0& a0) { return new (InternalAllocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(a0); }
template <class T, typename arg0>
inline T* AllocateObject(arg0& a0) { return new (InternalAllocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(a0); }
// 2 args to constructor
template <class T, typename arg0, typename arg1>
inline T* AllocateObject(arg0& a0, arg1& a1) { return new (InternalAllocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(a0,a1); }
template <class T, typename arg0, typename arg1>
inline T* AllocateObject(const arg0& a0, arg1& a1) { return new (InternalAllocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(a0,a1); }
template <class T, typename arg0, typename arg1>
inline T* AllocateObject(arg0& a0, const arg1& a1) { return new (InternalAllocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(a0,a1); }
template <class T, typename arg0, typename arg1>
inline T* AllocateObject(const arg0& a0, const arg1& a1) { return new (InternalAllocate(sizeof(T), alignof(T))) T(a0,a1); }
有没有比重复这个方案更好的方法来执行相同的任务?基本上,我正在查看最多 8-10 个参数之类的东西,我觉得它不是很可行。