(回车) - 它将回车返回到字符串的开头(因此在最好的情况下覆盖前 5 个字符);AND 在没有“”的情况下会导致奇怪的打印行为\n
(因此在 5 个字符之后可能不会打印任何其他内容)。
要解决您的问题,您需要在 countdownsleep () 内的循环中执行此操作:
$prefix = "Starts in "; # could be passed in as parameter to countdownsleep()
printf( "$prefix %02d:%02d\r", ($stoptime - $now) / 60
, ($stoptime - $now) % 60);
# NOTE this ^^^ - now you re-print your prefix every time and not lose due to \r
countdownsleep(5); print "\n"; # printing is done by the loop inside already
# or if you added a $prefix parameter to it:
countdownsleep("Starts in ", 5); print "\n";
这就是为什么您需要在 VERY END 打印“\n”的原因
$ perl -e '{print "1234567"; printf("1\r");}'
$ perl -e '{print "1234567"; printf("8\r"); print "\n";}' # Works now
# And this is what CR really dows
$ perl -e '{print "1234567"; printf("z\r"); printf("yy\r"); print "\n";}'
$ perl -e '{print "1234567"; printf("z\r"); printf("yy\r"); print "zzzz";}'
在没有换行符 () 的字符串末尾打印回车符 ( \n
)将实际上根本不打印字符串- 更具体地说,将删除假设要打印的所有内容。
在字符串中的一些其他字符之前打印 ( \r
) 将导致从行首打印后续字符,覆盖现有字符(与新字符一样多),但将保持后续字符完整 - 需要注意的是除非最后打印,否则不会打印未覆盖的字符\n
print "$something\r"; # prints nothing
print "$something\r$finish"; # prints $finish but not $something
# $finish is assumed to not contain "\r"
print "$something\r$finish\n";
# * prints $something (entirely)
# * Moves to start of the line
# * prints $finish overwriting as many characters from $somthing as needed
# * prints the rest of $something if it was longer than $finish
# * prints newline.
另一方面,您应该考虑使用现有的计数/进度 CPAN 模块,而不是自己滚动。