
template<class Parameter>
class Base {};

template<class Parameter1, class Parameter2, class Parameter>
class Derived1 : public Base<Parameter>
{ };

template<class Parameter1, class Parameter2, class Parameter>
class Derived2 : public Base<Parameter>
public :
    // Copy constructor
    Derived2(const Derived2& x);

    // An EXPLICIT constructor that does a special conversion for a Derived2
    // with other template parameters
    template<class OtherParameter1, class OtherParameter2, class OtherParameter>
    explicit Derived2(
        const Derived2<OtherParameter1, OtherParameter2, OtherParameter>& x

    // Now the problem : I want an IMPLICIT constructor that will work for every
    // type derived from Base EXCEPT
    // Derived2<OtherParameter1, OtherParameter2, OtherParameter> 
    template<class Type, class = typename std::enable_if</* SOMETHING */>::type>
    Derived2(const Type& x);


编辑:对于来自 Base 的隐式构造函数,我显然可以写:

template<class OtherParameter> Derived2(const Base<OtherParameter>& x);

但是在那种情况下,我是否可以保证编译器不会将此构造函数用作隐式构造函数Derived2<OtherParameter1, OtherParameter2, OtherParameter>

EDIT2:在这里我有一个测试:(LWS在这里: http: //liveworkspace.org/code/cd423fb44fb4c97bc3b843732d837abc

#include <iostream>
template<typename Type> class Base {};
template<typename Type> class Other : public Base<Type> {};
template<typename Type> class Derived : public Base<Type>
        Derived() {std::cout<<"empty"<<std::endl;}
        Derived(const Derived<Type>& x) {std::cout<<"copy"<<std::endl;}
        template<typename OtherType> explicit Derived(const Derived<OtherType>& x) {std::cout<<"explicit"<<std::endl;}
        template<typename OtherType> Derived(const Base<OtherType>& x) {std::cout<<"implicit"<<std::endl;}
int main()
    Other<int> other0;
    Other<double> other1;
    std::cout<<"1 = ";
    Derived<int> dint1;                     // <- empty
    std::cout<<"2 = ";
    Derived<int> dint2;                     // <- empty
    std::cout<<"3 = ";
    Derived<double> ddouble;                // <- empty
    std::cout<<"4 = ";
    Derived<double> ddouble1(ddouble);      // <- copy
    std::cout<<"5 = ";
    Derived<double> ddouble2(dint1);        // <- explicit
    std::cout<<"6 = ";
    ddouble = other0;                       // <- implicit
    std::cout<<"7 = ";
    ddouble = other1;                       // <- implicit
    std::cout<<"8 = ";
    ddouble = ddouble2;                     // <- nothing (normal : default assignment)
    std::cout<<"\n9 = ";
    ddouble = Derived<double>(dint1);       // <- explicit
    std::cout<<"10 = ";
    ddouble = dint2;                        // <- implicit : WHY ?!?!
    return 0;

最后一行让我担心。C++标准可以吗?它是 g++ 的错误吗?


3 回答 3



如果您查看 C++11 标准的第 14.8.3 节,第 1-3 段中实际上有一些示例在一定程度上证明了您的问题。基本上,C++ 编译器将在一系列重载模板函数中寻找最佳匹配或“最不通用”的模板函数实例化(必要时添加类型转换)。在您的情况下,因为您已经显式创建了一个接受对象的备用实例化的构造函数,所以与接受泛型类型甚至参数的构造函数相比Derived2,该构造函数将是任何类型的首选重载。Derived2<...>TBase<OtherParameter>

更新:显然,根据 C++11 标准中的 12.3.1/2,

显式构造函数像非显式构造函数一样构造对象,但仅在显式使用直接初始化语法 (8.5) 或强制转换 (5.2.9, 5.4) 的情况下这样做。

其含义是,如果您不使用直接初始化语法来构造对象或选择强制转换,那么您将不能使用任何标记为 的构造函数explicit。这解释了您在测试 #9 和 #10 之间看到的令人费解的结果。

于 2012-08-29T19:55:23.693 回答

您可以编写一个 trait 来报告一个类型是否是 的特化Derived2<>

template<typename T>
struct is_derived2 : std::false_type { };

template<class P1, class P2, class P>
struct is_derived2<Derived2<P1, P2, P>> : std::true_type { };

还有一个函数存根来提取Pin Base<P>

template<typename Parameter>
Parameter base_parameter(Base<Parameter> const&);


    class T,
    class = typename std::enable_if<
        && std::is_base_of<
Derived2(const T& x);

在线演示: http: //liveworkspace.org/code/c43d656d60f85b8b9d55d8e3c4812e2b

更新:这是一个在线演示,将这些更改合并到您的“编辑 2”链接中:http:

于 2012-08-29T19:52:48.083 回答


#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename Type> class Base {};
template<typename Type> class Other : public Base<Type> {};
template<typename Type> class Derived : public Base<Type>
        Derived() {std::cout<<"empty"<<std::endl;}
        Derived(const Derived<Type>& x) {std::cout<<"copy"<<std::endl;}
        template<typename OtherType> explicit Derived(const Derived<OtherType>& x) {std::cout<<"explicit"<<std::endl;}
        template<typename Something> Derived(const Something& x) {std::cout<<"implicit"<<std::endl;}

    // Workaround
        template<template<typename> class Something, typename OtherType,
        class = typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< Something<OtherType>, Derived<OtherType> >::value>::type >
        Derived(const Something<OtherType>& x)
        {std::cout<<"workaround (for example always false static assert here)"<<std::endl;}
template<unsigned int Size> class Test {};

int main()
    Other<int> other0;
    Other<double> other1;
    Test<3> test;
    std::cout<<"1 = ";
    Derived<int> dint1;                     // <- empty
    std::cout<<"2 = ";
    Derived<int> dint2;                     // <- empty
    std::cout<<"3 = ";
    Derived<double> ddouble;                // <- empty
    std::cout<<"4 = ";
    Derived<double> ddouble1(ddouble);      // <- copy
    std::cout<<"5 = ";
    Derived<double> ddouble2(dint1);        // <- explicit
    std::cout<<"6 = ";
    ddouble = other0;                       // <- implicit
    std::cout<<"7 = ";
    ddouble = other1;                       // <- implicit
    std::cout<<"8 = ";
    ddouble = ddouble2;                     // <- nothing (normal : default assignment)
    std::cout<<"\n9 = ";
    ddouble = Derived<double>(dint1);       // <- explicit
    std::cout<<"10 = ";
    ddouble = dint2;                        // <- workaround
    std::cout<<"11 = ";
    ddouble = test;                         // <- implicit
    return 0;


LWS: http: //liveworkspace.org/code/f581356a7472c902b10ca486d648fafc

于 2012-08-29T21:30:25.097 回答