我最初的问题是,我的函数有很长的参数列表,超出了允许作为参数传递给 cuda 内核的内存(我不记得有多少字节,因为我已经有一段时间了处理)。所以,我绕过这个问题的方法是定义一个新结构,它的成员是指向其他结构的指针,我以后可以从内核中取消引用。

...这是当前问题开始的地方:在我试图从内核中取消引用指针(我之前创建的结构的成员)时,我得到CUDA_EXCEPTION_5, Warp Out-of-range Address ...来自 cuda-gdb。最重要的是,内核名称和参数(被报告为“此时不存在”,cuda-gdb 给出的错误信息不是我在代码中创建的。



typedef struct {

    int strx;
    int stry;
    int strz;
    float* el;

} manmat;

typedef struct {

    manmat *x;
    manmat *y;
    manmat *z;

} manmatvec;

这就是我试图将内核的参数分组到 main 中的方式:

int main () {


    manmat resu0;
    resu0.strx = n+2;       resu0.stry = m+2;       resu0.strz = l+2;
    if (cudaMalloc((void**)&resu0.el,sizeof(float) * (n+2)*(m+2)*(l+2)) != cudaSuccess) cout << endl << " ERROR allocating memory for manmat resu0" << endl ;
    manmat resv0;
    resv0.strx = n+2;       resv0.stry = m+2;       resv0.strz = l+2;
    if (cudaMalloc((void**)&resv0.el,sizeof(float) * (n+2)*(m+2)*(l+2)) != cudaSuccess) cout << endl << " ERROR allocating memory for manmat resv0" << endl ;
    manmat resw0;
    resw0.strx = n+2;       resw0.stry = m+2;       resw0.strz = l+2;
    if (cudaMalloc((void**)&resw0.el,sizeof(float) * (n+2)*(m+2)*(l+2)) != cudaSuccess) cout << endl << " ERROR allocating memory for manmat resw0" << endl ;
    manmatvec residues0 ;

    residues0.x = &resu0;
    residues0.y = &resv0;
    residues0.z = &resw0;

    exec_res_std_2d <<<numBlocks2D, threadsPerBlock2D>>> (residues0, ......) ;



__global__ void exec_res_std_2d (manmatvec residues, ......) {

    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int k = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    manmat *resup;
    manmat *resvp;
    manmat *reswp;

    resup = residues.x;
    resvp = residues.y;
    reswp = residues.z;

    manmat resu, resv, resw ;

    resu.strx = (*resup).strx;     //LINE 1626
    resu.stry = (*resup).stry;
    resu.strz = (*resup).strz;
    resu.el = (*resup).el;

    resv = *resvp;
    resw = *reswp;


最后,这就是 cuda-gdb 给出的输出:

[Launch of CUDA Kernel 1065 (exec_res_std_2d<<<(1,2,1),(32,16,1)>>>) on Device 0]
[Launch of CUDA Kernel 1066 (exec_res_bot_2d<<<(1,2,1),(32,16,1)>>>) on Device 0]

Program received signal CUDA_EXCEPTION_5, Warp Out-of-range Address.
[Switching focus to CUDA kernel 1065, grid 1066, block (0,0,0), thread (0,2,0), device 0, sm 0, warp 2, lane 0]
0x0000000003179020 in fdivide<<<(1,2,1),(32,16,1)>>> (a=warning: Variable is not live at this point. Value is undetermined.
..., pt=warning: Variable is not live at this point. Value is undetermined.
..., cells=warning: Variable is not live at this point. Value is undetermined.
...) at ola.cu:1626
1626    ola.cu: No such file or directory.
    in ola.cu


此外,可能很重要的一点是,在调试器内的程序运行开始时,尽管我用 编译了我的 cuda c 文件-arch=sm_20 -g -G -gencode arch=compute_20,code=sm_20,但我得到了,

[New Thread 0x7ffff3b69700 (LWP 12465)]
[Context Create of context 0x1292340 on Device 0]
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.1619c10.o.LkkWns
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.1940ad0.o.aHtC7W
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2745680.o.bVXEWl
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2c438b0.o.cgUqiP
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2c43980.o.4diaQ4
warning: no loadable sections found in added symbol-file /tmp/cuda-dbg/12456/session1/elf.1292340.2dc9380.o.YYJAr5

非常欢迎任何可以帮助我解决此问题的答案或提示或建议!请注意,我最近才开始使用 cuda-c 进行编程,而且我对 cuda-gdb 的经验不是很丰富。我在 C 代码中进行的大多数调试都是通过检查代码各个点的输出来“手动”进行的。

此外,此代码在 tesla M2090 上运行,并且还编译为在 2.0 架构上运行。


1 回答 1



manmatvec residues0 ;

    residues0.x = &resu0;
    residues0.y = &resv0;
    residues0.z = &resw0;

、和变量在主机内存resu0中分配 - 在主机堆栈上。您将主机地址放入 manmatvec 结构中,然后将 manmatvec 传递到内核中。在接收端,CUDA 代码无法访问结构中提供的主机内存地址。resv0resw0

如果要传递resu0, resv0,resw0变量的地址,则需要从设备内存中分配它们。


于 2012-08-29T16:51:00.647 回答