我需要一些帮助来优化我的 CCL 算法实现。我用它来检测图像上的黑色区域。在 2000x2000 上需要 11 秒,这差不多。我需要将运行时间减少到可能达到的最低值。另外,我很高兴知道是否有任何其他算法可以让你做同样的事情,但比这个更快。所以这是我的代码:
//The method returns a dictionary, where the key is the label
//and the list contains all the pixels with that label
public Dictionary<short, LinkedList<Point>> ProcessCCL()
Color backgroundColor = this.image.Palette.Entries[1];
//Matrix to store pixels' labels
short[,] labels = new short[this.image.Width, this.image.Height];
//I particulary don't like how I store the label equality table
//But I don't know how else can I store it
//I use LinkedList to add and remove items faster
Dictionary<short, LinkedList<short>> equalityTable = new Dictionary<short, LinkedList<short>>();
//Current label
short currentKey = 1;
for (int x = 1; x < this.bitmap.Width; x++)
for (int y = 1; y < this.bitmap.Height; y++)
if (!GetPixelColor(x, y).Equals(backgroundColor))
//Minumum label of the neighbours' labels
short label = Math.Min(labels[x - 1, y], labels[x, y - 1]);
//If there are no neighbours
if (label == 0)
//Create a new unique label
labels[x, y] = currentKey;
equalityTable.Add(currentKey, new LinkedList<short>());
labels[x, y] = label;
short west = labels[x - 1, y], north = labels[x, y - 1];
//A little trick:
//Because of those "ifs" the lowest label value
//will always be the first in the list
//but I'm afraid that because of them
//the running time also increases
if (!equalityTable[label].Contains(west))
if (west < equalityTable[label].First.Value)
if (!equalityTable[label].Contains(north))
if (north < equalityTable[label].First.Value)
//This dictionary will be returned as the result
//I'm not proud of using dictionary here too, I guess there
//is a better way to store the result
Dictionary<short, LinkedList<Point>> result = new Dictionary<short, LinkedList<Point>>();
//I define the variable outside the loops in order
//to reuse the memory address
short cellValue;
for (int x = 0; x < this.bitmap.Width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < this.bitmap.Height; y++)
cellValue = labels[x, y];
//If the pixel is not a background
if (cellValue != 0)
//Take the minimum value from the label equality table
short value = equalityTable[cellValue].First.Value;
//I'd like to get rid of these lines
if (!result.ContainsKey(value))
result.Add(value, new LinkedList<Point>());
result[value].AddLast(new Point(x, y));
return result;