这就是我们最终要做的事情。我在http://etherpad.com/sugarorgy做了一个巨大的表格来收集每个人的评分(修订版 25,以防它被我添加这个公共链接破坏)然后使用以下 Perl 脚本将数据解析为CSV 文件:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Grabs the cupcake data from etherpad and parses it into a CSV file.
use LWP::Simple qw(get);
$content = get("http://etherpad.com/ep/pad/export/sugarorgy/latest?format=txt");
$content =~ s/^.*BEGIN_MAGIC\s*//s;
$content =~ s/END_MAGIC.*$//s;
$bakery = "none";
for $line (split('\n', $content)) {
next if $line =~ /sar kri and deb/;
if ($line =~ s/bakery\s+(\w+)//) { $bakery = $1; }
$line =~ s/\([^\)]*\)//g; # strip out stuff in parens.
$line =~ s/^\s+(\w)(\w)/$1 $2/;
$line =~ s/\-/\-1/g;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$line =~ s/\s+/\,/g;
print "$bakery,$line\n";
然后我在 Mathematica 中做了平均等等:
data = Import["!~/svn/sugar.pl", "CSV"];
(* return a bakery's list of ratings for the given type of cupcake *)
tratings[bak_, t_] := Select[Drop[First@Select[data,
#[[1]]==bak && #[[2]]==t && #[[3]]=="g" &], 3], #!=-1&]
(* return a bakery's list of ratings for the given cupcake attribute *)
aratings[bak_, a_] := Select[Flatten[Drop[#,3]& /@
Select[data, #[[1]]==bak && #[[3]]==a&]], #!=-1&]
(* overall rating for a bakery *)
oratings[bak_] := Join @@ (tratings[bak, #] & /@ {"V", "C", "R", "W"})
bakeries = Union@data[[All, 1]]
SortBy[{#, oratings@#, Round[Mean@oratings[#], .01]}& /@ bakeries, -#[[3]]&]