我在一台运行 11GR2 的 Oracle 服务器上有很多实例。我必须解决一个实例上的问题。根据 Oracle 支持,我需要关闭数据库及其侦听器。
lsnrctl stop
lsnrctl start
srvctl stop listener -n node_name
我注意到 lsnrctl 和 srvctl 都是基于服务器/主机/节点级别的。我可以停止一个实例的侦听器而不影响同一服务器上的其他实例吗?
I would not stop the listener in order to bounce one of the instances and adjust a parameter. The instance will automatically register with the listener when it comes back up.
On the other hand, if we are talking about an inter-process issue you might have to. More details needed. Remember, already established sessions to your instances will not be affected by a listener outage.
lsnrctl 状态