我有以下 Excel VBA 代码从关闭的工作簿中提取数据。宏工作并提取数据,但我的数据集将五个不同帐户的数据合并到一个文件中。我可以为该特定帐户提取数据的唯一方法是,如果我为该特定帐户放置正确数量的数据行,但我必须从我的数据集中计算它,这超出了自动化的目的。
假设我想提取帐户“P 87848”的所有行数据。
Const NumRows& = 250
在 Const NumRow& 中插入或实现计数函数的最佳方法是什么?
Sub GetDataDemo()
Dim FilePath$, Row&, Column&, Address$
Dim path As String
'change constants & FilePath below to suit
Const FileName$ = "DNAV.xlsx"
Const SheetName$ = "DNAV"
Const NumRows& = 250
Const NumColumns& = 15
path = "C:\Documents\Marenco\VBA\"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Dir(FilePath & FileName) = Empty Then
MsgBox "The file " & FileName & " was not found", , "File Doesn't Exist"
Exit Sub
End If
For Row = 1 To NumRows
For Column = 1 To NumColumns
Address = Cells(Row, Column).Address
Cells(Row, Column) = GetData(FilePath, FileName, SheetName, Address)
Next Column
Next Row
ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = False
End Sub
Private Function GetData(path, File, Sheet, Address)
Dim Data$
Data = "'" & path & "[" & File & "]" & Sheet & "'!" & _
Range(Address).Range("A1").Address(, , xlR1C1)
GetData = ExecuteExcel4Macro(Data)
End Function
我的源数据。Account Number 在 A 列,它有 5 个不同的帐户,以 P 15001 开头。每个帐户都有自己的模板。在这种情况下,我只想提取帐户 P 15001 的数据。列是不变的,但行会发生变化。
帐号 证券 ID 数量 成本 当地市场价格 市场价值 当地
P 15001 AUD 276,250.00 276,250.00 1.00 276,250.00
P 15001 B5790J3 4,000,000.00 4,086,200.00 110.60 4,424,080.00
P 15001 B3XF8Z3 5,000,000.00 5,239,900.00 109.98 5,498,750.00
P 15001 B50VKT6 5,000,000.00 5,134,250.00 103.37 5,168,300.00
P 15001 CCTAUD 615,000.00 615,000.00 0.96 615,000.00
P 15001 B3XQ210 6,900,000.00 7,090,440.00 101.82 7,025,511.00
P 15001 B55HXF6 4,300,000.00 4,522,844.40 105.50 4,536,543.00
P 15001 B4PM5Y7 2,900,000.00 3,145,730.42 112.29 3,256,381.00
P 15001 CCTCAD 2,530,000.00 2,530,000.00 0.99 2,530,000.00
P 15001 EUR 82,921.26 82,921.26 1.00 82,921.26
P 15001 B5VVFK1 5,600,000.00 5,992,648.00 106.60 5,969,415.20
P 15001 B10S9K3 7,270,000.00 8,794,985.99 124.58 9,056,960.88
P 15001 B4XF7K8 10,530,000.00 12,079,614.58 118.06 12,431,696.94
P 15001 B5V3C06 14,500,000.00 14,511,620.00 100.44 14,564,467.00
P 15001 B54VTS4 35,150,000.00 35,922,019.50 104.24 36,640,535.75
P 15001 B6YXBD6 3,580,000.00 3,719,341.36 109.04 3,903,753.72
P 15001 B40Z1F4 2,530,000.00 2,814,675.60 111.38 2,817,797.62
P 15001 B63GF45 6,150,000.00 7,170,378.00 117.56 7,229,884.65
P 15001 B04FJB4 34,850,000.00 38,186,084.50 108.91 37,956,668.40
P 15001 B45JHF3 9,200,000.00 9,935,736.49 105.81 9,734,547.60
P 15001 B28VPL4 970,000.00 1,113,787.27 114.05 1,106,277.14