我将变量中的页面中的 HTML 作为纯文本。现在我需要删除文本的某些部分。这是我需要更改的 HTML 的一部分:

<div class="post"><a name="6188729"></a>
    <div class="igmline small" style="height: 20px; padding-top: 1px;">
        <span class="postheader_left">
            <a href="#"  style="font-size:9pt;"> RuneRifle </a>
            op 24.08.2012 om 21:41 uur
        <span class="postheader_right">
            <a href="http://link">Citaat</a> <a href="http://link">Bewerken</a>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
    <div class="text">Testforum</div>
    <!-- Begin Thank -->
    <!-- Thank End -->


pageData = pageData.replace(/href=\".*?\"/g, "href=\"#\"");
pageData = pageData.replace(/target=\".*?\"/g, "");


pageData = pageData.replace(
  /<span class=\"postheader_right\">(.*?)<\/span>/g, "");



2 回答 2



As Mike Samuel says regular expressions are not really the best way to go given the complexity allowed in HTML (e.g., if say there is a line break after <a), especially if you have to look for attributes which may occur in different orders, but that's the way you can do it to match the case in your example HTML.

于 2012-08-25T12:20:04.580 回答

I need to remove every span with the class postheader_right and everything in it, but it just doesn't work.

Don't use regular expressions to find the spans. Using regular expressions to parse HTML: why not?

var allSpans = document.getElementsByClassName('span');
for (var i = allSpans.length; --i >= 0;) {
  var span = allSpans[i];
  if (/\bpostheader_right\b/.test(span.className)) {

should do it.

If you only need to work on newer browsers then getElementsByClassName makes it even easier:

Find all div elements that have a class of 'test'

var tests = Array.filter( document.getElementsByClassName('test'), function(elem){
  return elem.nodeName == 'DIV';
于 2012-08-25T12:24:19.507 回答