下载并解压 python_tools.zip。如果您将库安装到您的操作系统,您可以在您想要的位置创建程序,否则您可以将测试程序写入 dstk.py 所在的目录。
import dstk
from pprint import pprint
dstk = dstk.DSTK()
# List of people you want to search for
people_names = ["Samuel L. Jackson", "Michelle Yeoh", "Danny Trejo", "Vanessa Minnillo","Naomi Campbell","Chuck Norris"]
# Query information for each person in the list
people = dstk.text2people(",".join(people_names))
# Print the structure of the received information
#print people
# Prints the structure of the people in more readable way
# Print name and ethnicity information of person
for person in people:
if person['ethnicity'] == None:
print (person['first_name'] + " " + person['surnames']).ljust(26), "Unknown ethnicity"
ethnics = ['percentage_american_indian_or_alaska_native','percentage_asian_or_pacific_islander','percentage_black','percentage_hispanic','percentage_two_or_more','percentage_white']
highest_probability = 0
highest_index = 0
# Find highest percentage
for eth_index in ethnics:
if person['ethnicity'][eth_index] > highest_probability:
highest_probability = person['ethnicity'][eth_index]
highest_index = eth_index
print (person['first_name'] + " " + person['surnames']).ljust(20), str(person['ethnicity'][highest_index]).ljust(5), highest_index
Samuel L Jackson 53.02 percentage_black
Michelle Yeoh 87.74 percentage_asian_or_pacific_islander
Danny Trejo 94.15 percentage_hispanic
Vanessa Minnillo Unknown ethnicity
Naomi Campbell 76.47 percentage_white
Chuck Norris 82.01 percentage_white