您在 ENTER_FRAME 循环内设置所有变量,因此您的条件都不会计算为真。在每一帧上你都这样做:
cloudWhite.x += 2;
cX = cloudWhite.x;
cXP = cX + 10; // Must == cloudWhite's previous x + 10 + 2;
cXN = cX - 10; // Must == cloudWite's previous x -10 + 2;
if(cX > cXP)... // Can never be true.
if(cX < cXN)... // Can never be true.
2) 在循环开始之前再次定义相对于 cloudWhite 的原始位置的边界。还要定义每次迭代要改变位置的数量。
4) 在每次迭代时增加 cloudWhite 的当前位置。如果您希望形状以随机方式移动,请在此处添加一点随机。
下面的示例是粗糙和生涩的,但我不知道你在寻找什么效果。如果您想要在每个方向上更平滑、更长的移动,请考虑使用Tween类或 Tween 库(例如流行的Greensock库),而不是手动增加/减少位置。这里有一个有用的讨论:http ://www.actionscript.org/forums/archive/index.php3/t-163836.html
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
// Set up your variables
var original_x:Number = 100; // Original x
var original_y:Number = 100; // Original y
var x_inc:Number = 5; // X Movement
var y_inc:Number = 5; // Y Movenent
var bounds:Number = 50; // Distance from origin allowed
// Doesn't take into account width of object so is distance to nearest point.
// Create an MC to show the bounds:
var display:MovieClip = addChild(new MovieClip()) as MovieClip;
display.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF);
display.graphics.beginFill(0x0000FF, 0.5);
display.graphics.drawRect(0-bounds, 0-bounds, bounds * 2, bounds *2);
display.x = original_x;
display.y = original_y;
// Create our moving mc:
var mc:MovieClip = addChild(new MovieClip()) as MovieClip;
mc.graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000, 1);
mc.graphics.drawCircle(-10, -10, 20);
// Position it:
mc.x = original_x;
mc.y = original_y;
// Loop:
function iterate($e:Event = null):void
// Move the mc by a random amount related to x/y inc
mc.x += (Math.random() * (2 * x_inc))/2;
mc.y += (Math.random() * (2 * y_inc))/2;
// If the distance from the origin is greater than bounds:
if((Math.abs(mc.x - original_x)) > bounds)
// Reverse the direction of travel:
x_inc == 5 ? x_inc = -5 : x_inc = 5;
// Ditto on the y axis:
if((Math.abs(mc.y - original_y)) > bounds)
y_inc == 5 ? y_inc = -5 : y_inc = 5;
// Start the loop:
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, iterate);