I have numbers in integer that is 0, 17, 23, 44, 57, 60, 66, 83, 89, 91, 100, but i want to random 6 number from that number, how to do that? I can show only for one random number from 0-100 but i dont know how to show 6 number from selected number. Please teach.
4 回答
If you would like to pick six numbers without repetitions from the array, shuffle the array using Knuth-Fisher–Yates shuffle, and take the first six numbers:
int data[] = {0, 17, 23, 44, 57, 60, 66, 83, 89, 91, 100};
// Knuth-Fisher-Yates
for (int i = 10 ; i > 0 ; i--) {
int n = rand() % (i+1);
int tmp = data[i];
data[i] = data[n];
data[n] = tmp;
The first six elements of the data
array contain a random selection from the original 11-element array.
Put the numbers in an array. Use a random number generator to get a random number between 0 and 1 less than the length of the array, and then get the number at that index.
That's just one way of doing it.
For fetching the random number into array for that following code may be useful to you
[array objectAtIndex: (random() % [array count])]
Here is the example
NSUInteger firstObject = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<[myNSMutableArray count];i++) {
NSUInteger randomIndex = random() % [myNSMutableArray count];
[myNSMutableArray exchangeObjectAtIndex:firstObject withObjectAtIndex:randomIndex];
firstObject +=1;
See this post: Generating random numbers in Objective-C
There are lots of ways to do this. This particular method has a very good response. To get 6 random numbers simply run the function 6 times.