I wish to do asynchronous loading in my UITable cell (I'm using custom cells) as the moment I click on UIButton 'Details', it will hang around 7~8 seconds as it is doing some internet connection for the checking of status. The only thing that requires loading is only the '(2) Book Status' as shown below:

enter image description here

I've done my research but so far I only found solutions such as lazy loading, which is largely meant for loading of images. Would anyone give some advice for how to do asynchronous loading for text, preferably with some examples? Thanks alot in advance :)


2 回答 2


Actually u need to do lazy loading for values in uitableviewcell. display value when available.

Refer LazyTableImages a sample project from apple which loads all values in cell along with image Asynchronously

于 2012-08-24T04:45:04.723 回答

For the Asynchronous load the cell followings are resources where you can get the idea.

  1. NMPaginator
  2. Source Code
于 2012-08-24T04:52:39.023 回答