- 广泛部署的服务器端策略有哪些
- 是否有任何移动特定的开源服务器端技术可用。
- 人们考虑移动应用程序后端的因素。
我同意上面一半的答案。您应该使用 REST 架构——这是最直接的方法。我将 Ruby on Rails 用于我的移动项目。可以快速开始构建服务器代码,并且几乎可以立即看到它在 heroku.com 之类的地方运行。
在 iOS 上:
如果您讨厌编写服务器端,我建议您查看 Parse.com。完全移动开发,为您处理所有服务器代码。对于大型项目,您确实应该编写自己的服务器内容。
I've had good success with creating a server using REST web services and XML data, but would recommend JSON instead. You can create this using Java and host it using Tomcat. This is widely deployed and widely consumable by multiple mobile and even non-mobile technologies.
A couple of factors to consider: * You'll probably want it in a DMZ and being Internet accessible so think about firewalls, reverse proxies, and encryption via SSL. * Will you host the server or sell the server to customers? Hosting is easy. If selling, there are many more considerations.