初学者尝试学习 ADC 设置,但不幸的是,大多数在线示例都是针对其他 pic18 模型的,而且我没有 adc.h 定义作为资源。(或者不是 C 代码。)真的不想被灌输一个答案,但如果有人能建议一些很棒的演练、在线资源等。我真的很感激,谢谢!
//configure port
//disable pin output driver (TRIS) - same thing as clear?
//configure pin as analog
//configure adc module
//set ADC conversion clock
// configure voltage reference
//select adc input channel
//CH0-CH12 of ADCON0
// select result format
//select data format using the ADFM bit of the ADCON1 register
//select aquisition delay
// turn on ADC module
//enable A/D converter by setting the ADON bit of the ADCON0 register
//start conversion by setting GODONE bit of ADCON0 register
//GODONE = 1;
// read ADC result
//read the ADRESH and ADRESL registers
//clear the adc interrupt flag (optional)