这是我拼凑在一起的 PowerShell 脚本,它演示了几种计算文本文件中行数的不同方法,以及每种方法所需的时间和内存。结果(如下)显示了时间和内存要求的明显差异。对于我的测试,看起来最佳点是 Get-Content,使用 ReadCount 设置为 100。其他测试需要更多的时间和/或内存使用。
#$testFile = 'C:\test_small.csv' # 245 lines, 150 KB
#$testFile = 'C:\test_medium.csv' # 95,365 lines, 104 MB
$testFile = 'C:\test_large.csv' # 285,776 lines, 308 MB
# Using ArrayList just because they are faster than Powershell arrays, for some operations with large arrays.
$results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
function AddResult {
param( [string] $sMethod, [string] $iCount )
$result = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
"Method" = $sMethod
"Count" = $iCount
"Elapsed Time" = ((Get-Date) - $dtStart)
"Memory Total" = [System.Math]::Round((GetMemoryUsage)/1mb, 1)
"Memory Delta" = [System.Math]::Round(((GetMemoryUsage) - $dMemStart)/1mb, 1)
Write-Output "$sMethod : $count"
function GetMemoryUsage {
# return ((Get-Process -Id $pid).PrivateMemorySize)
return ([System.GC]::GetTotalMemory($false))
# Get-Content -ReadCount 1
$dMemStart = GetMemoryUsage
$dtStart = Get-Date
$count = 0
Get-Content -Path $testFile -ReadCount 1 |% { $count++ }
AddResult "Get-Content -ReadCount 1" $count
# Get-Content -ReadCount 10,100,1000,0
# Note: ReadCount = 1 returns a string. Any other value returns an array of strings.
# Thus, the Count property only applies when ReadCount is not 1.
@(10,100,1000,0) |% {
$dMemStart = GetMemoryUsage
$dtStart = Get-Date
$count = 0
Get-Content -Path $testFile -ReadCount $_ |% { $count += $_.Count }
AddResult "Get-Content -ReadCount $_" $count
# Get-Content | Measure-Object
$dMemStart = GetMemoryUsage
$dtStart = Get-Date
$count = (Get-Content -Path $testFile -ReadCount 1 | Measure-Object -line).Lines
AddResult "Get-Content -ReadCount 1 | Measure-Object" $count
# Get-Content.Count
$dMemStart = GetMemoryUsage
$dtStart = Get-Date
$count = (Get-Content -Path $testFile -ReadCount 1).Count
AddResult "Get-Content.Count" $count
# StreamReader.ReadLine
$dMemStart = GetMemoryUsage
$dtStart = Get-Date
$count = 0
# Use this constructor to avoid file access errors, like Get-Content does.
$stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream(
if ($stream) {
$reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader $stream
if ($reader) {
while(-not ($reader.EndOfStream)) { [void]$reader.ReadLine(); $count++ }
AddResult "StreamReader.ReadLine" $count
$results | Select Method, Count, "Elapsed Time", "Memory Total", "Memory Delta" | ft -auto | Write-Output
以下是包含 ~95k 行、104 MB 的文本文件的结果:
Method Count Elapsed Time Memory Total Memory Delta
------ ----- ------------ ------------ ------------
Get-Content -ReadCount 1 95365 00:00:11.1451841 45.8 0.2
Get-Content -ReadCount 10 95365 00:00:02.9015023 47.3 1.7
Get-Content -ReadCount 100 95365 00:00:01.4522507 59.9 14.3
Get-Content -ReadCount 1000 95365 00:00:01.1539634 75.4 29.7
Get-Content -ReadCount 0 95365 00:00:01.3888746 346 300.4
Get-Content -ReadCount 1 | Measure-Object 95365 00:00:08.6867159 46.2 0.6
Get-Content.Count 95365 00:00:03.0574433 465.8 420.1
StreamReader.ReadLine 95365 00:00:02.5740262 46.2 0.6
以下是较大文件(包含 ~285k 行,308 MB)的结果:
Method Count Elapsed Time Memory Total Memory Delta
------ ----- ------------ ------------ ------------
Get-Content -ReadCount 1 285776 00:00:36.2280995 46.3 0.8
Get-Content -ReadCount 10 285776 00:00:06.3486006 46.3 0.7
Get-Content -ReadCount 100 285776 00:00:03.1590055 55.1 9.5
Get-Content -ReadCount 1000 285776 00:00:02.8381262 88.1 42.4
Get-Content -ReadCount 0 285776 00:00:29.4240734 894.5 848.8
Get-Content -ReadCount 1 | Measure-Object 285776 00:00:32.7905971 46.5 0.9
Get-Content.Count 285776 00:00:28.4504388 1219.8 1174.2
StreamReader.ReadLine 285776 00:00:20.4495721 46 0.4