
I have set up a website. I was hosting it on webs.com, but they started to place an ad bar on html-only hosting. As it would not look good, I changed it to 000webhost. Since I uploaded everything to 000webhost, I can't make the fonts to load.

webs: http://bluescreen-ofdeath.webs.com/

000webhost: http://bsod.comze.com/

I have tried pointing the ttf fonts from my webs account, but it won't load.

As the 000webhost take a day to answer free accounts, I decided to ask you. Is there anything I am missing?

Edit: Here is an example of my @Font-face

@font-face {
    font-family: 'fixedsys500c-webfont';
    src: url('../font/fixedsys500c-webfont.eot');
    src: url('../font/fixedsys500c-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('../font/fixedsys500c-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
         url('../font/fixedsys500c-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('../font/fixedsys500c-webfont.svg#fixedsys500c-webfont') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

3 回答 3


正如 Google Web Fonts 所规定的,必须在样式表之前导入字体。

说明:要将您的集合嵌入到您的网页中,请将代码复制为<head>HTML 文档中的第一个元素。

于 2013-03-23T15:27:20.893 回答


@font-face {

提醒一下,Internet Explorer 仅适用于 EOT 字体文件。

于 2013-03-23T14:58:34.130 回答

据我所知, 000webhost 只接受 .woff 文件。

.ttf 和 .eot 对我不起作用

于 2018-09-09T00:53:41.460 回答