滑块图片: http: //norwaydict.com/slider.jpg
我正在使用 Jquery 移动滑块插件。桌面浏览器中的输出还可以,但 ipad 中的输出不一样:ipad 中的十进制数字输出正确,但当数字为 1 或 0.40 时,它应该输出 1.00 或 0.40 但输出 1 或 0.4,以某种方式将这些数字舍入。
* jQuery Mobile v1.0b2
* http://jquerymobile.com
* Copyright 2010, jQuery Project
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* jQuery UI Widget @VERSION
* Copyright 2010, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* http://jquery.org/license
* http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Widget
* jQuery Mobile Framework : "slider" plugin
* Copyright (c) jQuery Project
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Forked by Elmundio87 to add vertical orientation
* http://jquery.org/license
( function( $, undefined ) {
$.widget( "mobile.slider", $.mobile.widget, {
options: {
theme: null,
trackTheme: null,
disabled: false,
initSelector: "input[type='range'], :jqmData(type='range'), :jqmData(role='slider')"
_create: function() {
// TODO: Each of these should have comments explain what they're for
var self = this,
control = this.element,
parentTheme = control.parents( "[class*='ui-bar-'],[class*='ui-body-']" ).eq( 0 ),
parentTheme = parentTheme.length ? parentTheme.attr( "class" ).match( /ui-(bar|body)-([a-z])/ )[ 2 ] : "c",
theme = this.options.theme ? this.options.theme : parentTheme,
trackTheme = this.options.trackTheme ? this.options.trackTheme : parentTheme,
cType = control[ 0 ].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
selectClass = ( cType == "select" ) ? "ui-slider-switch" : "",
controlID = control.attr( "id" ),
labelID = controlID + "-label",
label = $( "[for='"+ controlID +"']" ).attr( "id", labelID ),
val = function() {
//$('#pool_balance_cashier').html('Slider value3: ' + parseFloat( control.val() ).toFixed(1));
return cType == "input" ? parseFloat( control.val() ).toFixed(2) : control[0].selectedIndex;
min = cType == "input" ? parseFloat( control.attr( "min" ) ) : 0,
max = cType == "input" ? parseFloat( control.attr( "max" ) ) : control.find( "option" ).length-1,
sliderOrientation = control.attr( "sliderOrientation") || "horizontal",
step = window.parseFloat( control.attr( "step" ) || 1 ),
//step = (cType === "input") ? parseFloat(control.attr("step")) : 0,
slider = $( "<div class='ui-slider-" + sliderOrientation + " " + selectClass + " ui-btn-down-" + trackTheme +
" ui-btn-corner-all' role='application'></div>" ),
handle = $( "<a href='#' class='ui-slider-handle-"+sliderOrientation +"'></a>" )
.appendTo( slider )
.buttonMarkup({ corners: true, theme: theme, shadow: true })
"role": "slider",
"aria-valuemin": min,
"aria-valuemax": max,
"aria-valuenow": val(),
"aria-valuetext": val(),
"title": val(),
"aria-labelledby": labelID
$.extend( this, {
slider: slider,
handle: handle,
dragging: false,
beforeStart: null
if ( cType == "select" ) {
slider.wrapInner( "<div class='ui-slider-inneroffset'></div>" );
options = control.find( "option" );
control.find( "option" ).each(function( i ) {
var side = !i ? "b":"a",
corners = !i ? "right" :"left",
theme = !i ? " ui-btn-down-" + trackTheme :" ui-btn-active";
$( "<div class='ui-slider-labelbg ui-slider-labelbg-" + side + theme + " ui-btn-corner-" + corners + "'></div>" )
.prependTo( slider );
$( "<span class='ui-slider-label ui-slider-label-" + side + theme + " ui-btn-corner-" + corners + "' role='img'>" + $( this ).text() + "</span>" )
.prependTo( handle );
label.addClass( "ui-slider" );
// monitor the input for updated values
control.addClass( cType === "input" ? "ui-slider-input" : "ui-slider-switch" )
.change( function() {
self.refresh( val(), true );
.keyup( function() { // necessary?
self.refresh( val(), true, true );
.blur( function() {
self.refresh( val(), true );
// prevent screen drag when slider activated
$( document ).bind( "vmousemove", function( event ) {
if ( self.dragging ) {
self.refresh( event );
return false;
slider.bind( "vmousedown", function( event ) {
self.dragging = true;
if ( cType === "select" ) {
self.beforeStart = control[0].selectedIndex;
self.refresh( event );
return false;
slider.add( document )
.bind( "vmouseup", function() {
if ( self.dragging ) {
self.dragging = false;
if ( cType === "select" ) {
if ( self.beforeStart === control[ 0 ].selectedIndex ) {
//tap occurred, but value didn't change. flip it!
self.refresh( !self.beforeStart ? 1 : 0 );
var curval = val();
var snapped = Math.round( curval / ( max - min ) * 100 );
.addClass( "ui-slider-handle-snapping" )
.css( "left", snapped + "%" )
.animationComplete( function() {
handle.removeClass( "ui-slider-handle-snapping" );
return false;
slider.insertAfter( control );
// NOTE force focus on handle
.bind( "vmousedown", function() {
$( this ).focus();
//check cashier slider checkboxes off
.bind( "vclick", false );
.bind( "keydown", function( event ) {
var index = val();
if ( self.options.disabled ) {
// In all cases prevent the default and mark the handle as active
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
case $.mobile.keyCode.HOME:
case $.mobile.keyCode.END:
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.RIGHT:
case $.mobile.keyCode.DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.LEFT:
if ( !self._keySliding ) {
self._keySliding = true;
$( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
// move the slider according to the keypress
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
case $.mobile.keyCode.HOME:
self.refresh( min );
case $.mobile.keyCode.END:
self.refresh( max );
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.UP:
case $.mobile.keyCode.RIGHT:
self.refresh( index + step );
case $.mobile.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.DOWN:
case $.mobile.keyCode.LEFT:
self.refresh( index - step );
}) // remove active mark
.keyup( function( event ) {
if ( self._keySliding ) {
self._keySliding = false;
$( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
this.refresh(undefined, undefined, true);
refresh: function( val, isfromControl, preventInputUpdate ) {
if ( this.options.disabled ) { return; }
var control = this.element, percent,
cType = control[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
min = cType === "input" ? parseFloat( control.attr( "min" ) ) : 0,
max = cType === "input" ? parseFloat( control.attr( "max" ) ) : control.find( "option" ).length - 1;
sliderOrientation = control.attr( "sliderOrientation") || "horizontal";
if ( typeof val === "object" ) {
var data = val,
// a slight tolerance helped get to the ends of the slider
tol = 8;
if(sliderOrientation == "horizontal"){
if ( !this.dragging || data.pageX < this.slider.offset().left - tol || data.pageX > this.slider.offset().left + this.slider.width() + tol ) {return;}
if ( !this.dragging || data.pageY < this.slider.offset().top - tol || data.pageY > this.slider.offset().top + this.slider.height() + tol ) {return;}
if(sliderOrientation == "horizontal")
percent = Math.round( ( ( data.pageX - this.slider.offset().left ) / this.slider.width() ) * 100 );
percent = Math.round( ( ( data.pageY - this.slider.offset().top ) / this.slider.height() ) * 100 );
} else {
if ( val == null ) {
val = cType === "input" ? parseFloat( control.val() ) : control[0].selectedIndex;
percent = ( parseFloat( val ) - min ) / ( max - min ) * 100;
if ( isNaN( percent ) ) {
if ( percent < 0 ) {
percent = 0;
if ( percent > 100 ) {
percent = 100;
//var newval = Math.round( ( percent / 100 ) * ( max - min ) ) + min;
// newval needs to support floating point min / max values, and must round to the step value
var newval = (percent / 100) * (max - min) + min;
newval -= (((newval - min) * 100) % (0.01 * 100)) / 100;
//newval = Math.round(newval * 100 + 0.01) / 100;
newval = Utils.formatFloatVal((newval * 100 + 0.01) / 100, false, true);
//$('#pool_balance_cashier').html('Slider value: ' + newval);
if(canvas != null){
if(canvas.width < 560){ //only for iphone
$('#iphone_amountIndicator').html('<br> ' + newval);
$('#slider-bet .ui-slider-handle').hide();
//set div that indicates how much we choose to bet with slider
//$(".amountIndicator").width(percent * 280 / 100);
if(control.attr('id') == 'slider-cashier'){
$("#amountIndicator_settings").width(percent * 280 / 102);
else if(control.attr('id') == 'slider-lobby-cashier'){
$("#amountIndicator_lobby").width(percent * 280 / 100);
$("#amountIndicator_pool").width(percent * 280 / 100);
//set label amount to bet/raise button
//$('#prc_pool_notice').html(' <br><br> ----- Slider value: ' + newval + ' this.id: ' + control.attr( "id" ) + ' ----- <br>');
if(buttons.btns != null){
buttons.btns[3].label_amount = GL_CURRENCY_SIGN+newval;
else if(buttons.btns[4].active){
buttons.btns[4].label_amount = '€'+newval;
if ( newval < min ) {
newval = min;
if ( newval > max ) {
newval = max;
// Flip the stack of the bg colors
if ( percent > 60 && cType === "select" ) {
// TODO: Dead path?
if(sliderOrientation == "horizontal")
//for slider cahsier -> not to very end of slide panel
if(control.attr('id') != 'slider-bet'){
this.handle.css( "left", percent / 1.3 + "%" );
if(percent > 50){
this.handle.css( "left", percent/1.17 + "%" );
this.handle.css( "left", percent + "%" );
this.handle.css( "top", percent + "%" );
this.handle.attr( {
"aria-valuenow": cType === "input" ? newval : control.find( "option" ).eq( newval ).attr( "value" ),
"aria-valuetext": cType === "input" ? newval : control.find( "option" ).eq( newval ).text(),
title: newval
// add/remove classes for flip toggle switch
if ( cType === "select" ) {
if ( newval === 0 ) {
this.slider.addClass( "ui-slider-switch-a" )
.removeClass( "ui-slider-switch-b" );
} else {
this.slider.addClass( "ui-slider-switch-b" )
.removeClass( "ui-slider-switch-a" );
if ( !preventInputUpdate ) {
// update control"s value
if ( cType === "input" ) {
control.val( newval );
} else {
control[ 0 ].selectedIndex = newval;
if ( !isfromControl ) {
control.trigger( "change" );
enable: function() {
this.element.attr( "disabled", false );
this.slider.removeClass( "ui-disabled" ).attr( "aria-disabled", false );
return this._setOption( "disabled", false );
disable: function() {
this.element.attr( "disabled", true );
this.slider.addClass( "ui-disabled" ).attr( "aria-disabled", true );
return this._setOption( "disabled", true );
//auto self-init widgets
$( document ).bind( "pagecreate create", function( e ){
$( $.mobile.slider.prototype.options.initSelector, e.target )
.not( ":jqmData(role='none'), :jqmData(role='nojs')" )
})( jQuery );
val = function() {
//$('#pool_balance_cashier').html('Slider value3: ' + parseFloat( control.val() ).toFixed(1));
return cType == "input" ? parseFloat( control.val() ).toFixed(2) : control[0].selectedIndex;