是否可以在运行时在 C# 中评估以下内容

我有一个包含 3 个属性的类(Field, Operator, Value




foreach(item in items)
       // here I want to create a dynamic expression to evaluate at runtime
       // something like
       if (item.[rule.field] [rule.operator] [rule.value])
           { do work }

我只是不知道语法,或者如果它在 C# 中可能,我知道在 JS 中它是可能的,但这不是一种编译语言。




8 回答 8


不,C# 不直接支持这样的东西。


  • 创建一个完整有效的 C# 程序并使用CSharpCodeProvider.
  • 构建表达式树,编译并执行它
  • 自己执行评估(这实际上可能是最简单的,取决于您的运营商等)
于 2009-07-30T16:45:42.697 回答

免责声明:我是Eval Expression.NET项目的所有者

这个库接近于 JS Eval 等价物。您几乎可以评估和编译所有 C# 语言。


int field = 2;
int value = 1;
string binaryOperator = ">";

string formula = "x " + binaryOperator + " y";

// For single evaluation
var value1 = Eval.Execute<bool>(formula, new { x = field, y = value });

// For many evaluation
var compiled = Eval.Compile<Func<int, int, bool>>(formula, "x", "y");
var value2 = compiled(field, value);
于 2016-02-09T22:28:43.433 回答


您是否想在 C# 中获取字符串表达式并在运行时对其进行评估?如果是这样,答案是否定的。C# 不支持此类动态评估。

于 2009-07-30T16:44:03.540 回答

您必须使用 CodeDOM 库或创建表达式树,编译并执行它。我认为建立表达式树是最好的选择。

当然,您可以在您的运算符上添加一个 switch 语句,这还不错,因为无论如何您都可以使用有限数量的运算符。

这是使用表达式树(用 LINQPad 编写)执行此操作的一种方法:

void Main()
    var programmers = new List<Programmer>{ 
        new Programmer { Name = "Turing", Number = Math.E}, 
        new Programmer { Name = "Babbage", Number = Math.PI}, 
        new Programmer { Name = "Lovelace", Number = Math.E}};

    var rule0 = new Rule<string>() { Field = "Name", Operator = BinaryExpression.Equal, Value = "Turing" };
    var rule1 = new Rule<double>() { Field = "Number", Operator = BinaryExpression.GreaterThan,  Value = 2.719 };

    var matched0 = RunRule<Programmer, string>(programmers, rule0);

    var matched1 = RunRule<Programmer, double>(programmers, rule1);

    var matchedBoth = matched0.Intersect(matched1);

    var matchedEither = matched0.Union(matched1);

public IEnumerable<T> RunRule<T, V>(IEnumerable<T> foos, Rule<V> rule) {

        var fieldParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "f");
        var fieldProp = Expression.Property (fieldParam, rule.Field);
        var valueParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(V), "v");

        BinaryExpression binaryExpr = rule.Operator(fieldProp, valueParam);

        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, V, bool>>(binaryExpr, fieldParam, valueParam);
        var func = lambda.Compile();

        foreach(var foo in foos) {
            var result = func(foo, rule.Value);
                yield return foo;


public class Rule<T> {
    public string Field { get; set; }
    public Func<Expression, Expression, BinaryExpression> Operator { get; set; }
    public T Value { get; set; }

public class Programmer {
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public double Number { get; set; }
于 2009-07-30T16:45:40.980 回答


通过对 Func 实例执行此操作,您将获得最大的灵活性,如下所示:

IEnumerable<Func<T,bool> tests; // defined somehow at runtime
foreach (var item in items)
    foreach (var test in tests)
       if (test(item))
           //do work with item 


public Func<T,bool> FooEqualsX<T,V>(V x)
    return t => EqualityComparer<V>.Default.Equals(t.Foo, x);


public Func<T,bool> MakeTest<T,V>(string name, string op, V value)
    Func<T,V> getter;
    var f = typeof(T).GetField(name);
    if (f != null)      
        if (!typeof(V).IsAssignableFrom(f.FieldType))
            throw new ArgumentException(name +" incompatible with "+ typeof(V));
        getter= x => (V)f.GetValue(x);
        var p = typeof(T).GetProperty(name);
        if (p == null)      
            throw new ArgumentException("No "+ name +" on "+ typeof(T));
        if (!typeof(V).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType))
            throw new ArgumentException(name +" incompatible with "+ typeof(V));
        getter= x => (V)p.GetValue(x, null);
    switch (op)
        case "==":
            return t => EqualityComparer<V>.Default.Equals(getter(t), value);
        case "!=":
            return t => !EqualityComparer<V>.Default.Equals(getter(t), value);
        case ">":
            return t => Comparer<V>.Default.Compare(getter(t), value) > 0;
        // fill in the banks as you need to
            throw new ArgumentException("unrecognised operator '"+ op +"'");

如果您想真正内省并在编译时不知道的情况下处理任何文字,您可以使用 CSharpCodeProvider 编译一个函数,假设如下:

 public static bool Check(T t)
     // your code inserted here


private Func<T,bool> Make<T>(string name, string op, string value)

    var foo = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider()
            new CompilerParameters(), 
            new[] { "public class Foo { public static bool Eval("+ 
                typeof(T).FullName +" t) { return t."+ 
                name +" "+ op +" "+ value 
                +"; } }" }).CompiledAssembly.GetType("Foo");
    return t => (bool)foo.InvokeMember("Eval",
        BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ,
        null, null, new object[] { t });

// use like so:
var f =  Make<string>("Length", ">", "2");


private bool Eval(object item, string name, string op, string value)

    var foo = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider()
            new CompilerParameters(), 
            new[] { "public class Foo { public static bool Eval("+ 
                item.GetType().FullName +" t) "+
               "{ return t."+ name +" "+ op +" "+ value +"; } }"   
    return (bool)foo.InvokeMember("Eval",
        BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ,
        null, null, new object[] { item });


如果您想变得更漂亮,您可以将 Reflection.Emit 与 DynamicMethod 实例一起使用(使用正确的运算符而不是默认的比较器实例),但这需要对具有重写运算符的类型进行复杂的处理。

通过使您的检查代码高度通用,您可以在将来根据需要包含更多测试。从本质上将只关心函数的代码部分从 t -> true/false 与提供这些函数的代码隔离开来。

于 2009-07-30T17:27:02.767 回答

CSharpCodeProvider; switch statements that pick the proper different "operators"; the DLR... they are all ways you could do this; but they seem weird solutions to me.

How about just using delegates?

Assuming your Field and Value are numbers, declare something like this:

delegate bool MyOperationDelegate(decimal left, decimal right);
class Rule {
    decimal Field;
    decimal Value;
    MyOperationDelegate Operator;

Now you can define your 'rule' as, for example, a bunch of lambdas:

Rule rule1 = new Rule;
rule1.Operation = (decimal l, decimal r) => { return l > r; };
rule1.Field = ... 

You can make arrays of rules and apply them whichever way you wish.

IEnumerable<Rule> items = ...;

foreach(item in items)
    if (item.Operator(item.Field, item.Value))
    { /* do work */ }

If Field and Values are not numbers, or the type depends on the specific rule, you can use object instead of decimal, and with a little bit of casting you can make it all work.

That's not a final design; it's just to give you some ideas (for example, you would likely have the class evaluate the delegate on its own via a Check() method or something).

于 2009-07-30T17:20:26.837 回答

确实,如果不使用动态编译代码(这永远不会很漂亮),您可能无法找到一种优雅的方式来动态评估完整的 C# 代码,但您几乎可以肯定地使用以下任一方法在短时间内评估您的规则DLR(IronPython、IronRuby 等)或解析和执行自定义语法的表达式评估器库。Script.NET 提供了与 C# 非常相似的语法。

看看这里:Evaluating Expressions a Runtime in .NET(C#)

如果您有时间/有兴趣学习一点 Python,那么 IronPython 和 DLR 将解决您的所有问题: 使用 IronPython 扩展您的应用程序

于 2009-07-30T18:19:58.777 回答

您可以通过反射检索该字段。然后将运算符实现为方法,并使用反射或某些类型的枚举-委托映射来调用运算符。运算符应至少有 2 个参数,即输入值和用于测试的值。

于 2009-07-30T16:50:38.613 回答