通过对 Func 实例执行此操作,您将获得最大的灵活性,如下所示:
IEnumerable<Func<T,bool> tests; // defined somehow at runtime
foreach (var item in items)
foreach (var test in tests)
if (test(item))
//do work with item
public Func<T,bool> FooEqualsX<T,V>(V x)
return t => EqualityComparer<V>.Default.Equals(t.Foo, x);
public Func<T,bool> MakeTest<T,V>(string name, string op, V value)
Func<T,V> getter;
var f = typeof(T).GetField(name);
if (f != null)
if (!typeof(V).IsAssignableFrom(f.FieldType))
throw new ArgumentException(name +" incompatible with "+ typeof(V));
getter= x => (V)f.GetValue(x);
var p = typeof(T).GetProperty(name);
if (p == null)
throw new ArgumentException("No "+ name +" on "+ typeof(T));
if (!typeof(V).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType))
throw new ArgumentException(name +" incompatible with "+ typeof(V));
getter= x => (V)p.GetValue(x, null);
switch (op)
case "==":
return t => EqualityComparer<V>.Default.Equals(getter(t), value);
case "!=":
return t => !EqualityComparer<V>.Default.Equals(getter(t), value);
case ">":
return t => Comparer<V>.Default.Compare(getter(t), value) > 0;
// fill in the banks as you need to
throw new ArgumentException("unrecognised operator '"+ op +"'");
如果您想真正内省并在编译时不知道的情况下处理任何文字,您可以使用 CSharpCodeProvider 编译一个函数,假设如下:
public static bool Check(T t)
// your code inserted here
private Func<T,bool> Make<T>(string name, string op, string value)
var foo = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider()
new CompilerParameters(),
new[] { "public class Foo { public static bool Eval("+
typeof(T).FullName +" t) { return t."+
name +" "+ op +" "+ value
+"; } }" }).CompiledAssembly.GetType("Foo");
return t => (bool)foo.InvokeMember("Eval",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ,
null, null, new object[] { t });
// use like so:
var f = Make<string>("Length", ">", "2");
private bool Eval(object item, string name, string op, string value)
var foo = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider()
new CompilerParameters(),
new[] { "public class Foo { public static bool Eval("+
item.GetType().FullName +" t) "+
"{ return t."+ name +" "+ op +" "+ value +"; } }"
return (bool)foo.InvokeMember("Eval",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod ,
null, null, new object[] { item });
如果您想变得更漂亮,您可以将 Reflection.Emit 与 DynamicMethod 实例一起使用(使用正确的运算符而不是默认的比较器实例),但这需要对具有重写运算符的类型进行复杂的处理。
通过使您的检查代码高度通用,您可以在将来根据需要包含更多测试。从本质上将只关心函数的代码部分从 t -> true/false 与提供这些函数的代码隔离开来。