与 c# 中的范围混淆
看来,在 C# 中,使用 if/else/loop 块的局部范围定义的变量与在该块之后定义的变量冲突 - 请参阅代码片段。等效代码在 C/C++ 和 Java 下编译得很好。这是 C# 中的预期行为吗?
public void f(){
if (true) {
/* local if scope */
int a = 1;
} else {
/* does not conflict with local from the same if/else */
int a = 2;
if (true) {
/* does not conflict with local from the different if */
int a = 3;
/* doing this:
* int a = 5;
* results in: Error 1 A local variable named 'a' cannot be declared in this scope
* because it would give a different meaning to 'a', which is already used in a
* 'child' scope to denote something else
* Which suggests (IMHO incorrectly) that variable 'a' is visible in this scope
/* doing this:
* System.Console.WriteLine(a);
* results in: Error 1 The name 'a' does not exist in the current context..
* Which correctly indicates that variable 'a' is not visible in this scope