我正在寻找一个 jQuery 插件或任何非 Flash 解决方案来构建一个像 i tunes 覆盖流这样的覆盖流:
在我的情况下,我的元素将是通过 HTML5 video 标签包含的 mp4 视频。
谷歌快速搜索:http ://addyosmani.com/blog/jqueryuicoverflow/
function getPrefix( prop ){
var prefixes = ['Moz','Webkit','Khtml','O','ms'],
elem = document.createElement('div'),
upper = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1),
pref = "",
len = 0;
for(len = prefixes.length; len--;){
if((prefixes[len] + upper) in elem.style){
pref = (prefixes[len]);
if(prop in elem.style){
pref = (prop);
return pref;
var vendorPrefix = getPrefix('transform');
$.easing.easeOutQuint = function (x, t, b, c, d) {
return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t*t + 1) + b;
$.widget("ui.coverflow", {
options: {
items: "> *",
orientation: 'horizontal',
item: 0,
trigger: 'click',
center: true, //If false, element's base position isn't touched in any way
recenter: true //If false, the parent element's position doesn't get animated while items change
_create: function() {
var self = this, o = this.options;
this.items = $(o.items, this.element);
this.props = o.orientation == 'vertical' ? ['height', 'Height', 'top', 'Top'] : ['width', 'Width', 'left', 'Left'];
//For < 1.8.2: this.items['outer'+this.props[1]](1);
this.itemSize = 0.73 * this.items.innerWidth();
this.itemWidth = this.items.width();
this.itemHeight = this.items.height();
this.duration = o.duration;
this.current = o.item; //initial item
//Bind click events on individual items
this.items.bind(o.trigger, function() {
//Center the actual parent's left side within it's parent
(o.recenter ? -this.current * this.itemSize/2 : 0)
+ (o.center ? this.element.parent()[0]['offset'+this.props[1]]/2 - this.itemSize/2 : 0) //Center the items container
- (o.center ? parseInt(this.element.css('padding'+this.props[3]),10) || 0 : 0) //Subtract the padding of the items container
//Jump to the first item
this._refresh(1, 0, this.current);
select: function(item, noPropagation) {
this.previous = this.current;
this.current = !isNaN(parseInt(item,10)) ? parseInt(item,10) : this.items.index(item);
//Don't animate when clicking on the same item
if(this.previous == this.current) return false;
//Overwrite $.fx.step.coverflow everytime again with custom scoped values for this specific animation
var self = this, to = Math.abs(self.previous-self.current) <=1 ? self.previous : self.current+(self.previous < self.current ? -1 : 1);
$.fx.step.coverflow = function(fx) { self._refresh(fx.now, to, self.current); };
// 1. Stop the previous animation
// 2. Animate the parent's left/top property so the current item is in the center
// 3. Use our custom coverflow animation which animates the item
var animation = { coverflow: 1 };
animation[this.props[2]] = (
(this.options.recenter ? -this.current * this.itemSize/2 : 0)
+ (this.options.center ? this.element.parent()[0]['offset'+this.props[1]]/2 - this.itemSize/2 : 0) //Center the items container
- (this.options.center ? parseInt(this.element.css('padding'+this.props[3]),10) || 0 : 0) //Subtract the padding of the items container
//Trigger the 'select' event/callback
if(!noPropagation) this._trigger('select', null, this._uiHash());
this.element.stop().animate(animation, {
duration: this.options.duration,
easing: 'easeOutQuint'
_refresh: function(state,from,to) {
var self = this, offset = null;
this.items.each(function(i) {
var side = (i == to && from-to < 0 ) || i-to > 0 ? 'left' : 'right',
mod = i == to ? (1-state) : ( i == from ? state : 1 ),
before = (i > from && i != to),
css = { zIndex: self.items.length + (side == "left" ? to-i : i-to) };
//css[($.browser.safari ? 'webkit' : ($.browser.opera ? 'O' : 'Moz'))+'Transform'] = 'matrix(1,'+(mod * (side == 'right' ? -0.2 : 0.2))+',0,1,0,0) scale('+(1+((1-mod)*0.3)) + ')';
if(vendorPrefix == 'ms' || vendorPrefix == ""){
css["filter"] = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', M11=1, M12=0, M21=" + (mod * (side == 'right' ? -0.2 : 0.2)) + ", M22=1";
css[self.props[2]] = ( (-i * (self.itemSize/2)) + (side == 'right'? -self.itemSize/2 : self.itemSize/2) * mod );
if(i == self.current){
css.width = self.itemWidth * (1+((1-mod)*0.3));
css.height = css.width * (self.itemHeight / self.itemWidth);
css.top = -((css.height - self.itemHeight) / 3);
css.left -= self.itemWidth/6 -50;
css.width = self.itemWidth;
css.height = self.itemHeight;
css.top = 0;
if(side == "left"){
css.left -= self.itemWidth/5 -50;
}//end if
css[vendorPrefix + 'Transform'] = 'matrix(1,'+(mod * (side == 'right' ? -0.2 : 0.2))+',0,1,0,0) scale('+(1+((1-mod)*0.3)) + ')';
css[self.props[2]] = ( (-i * (self.itemSize/2)) + (side == 'right'? -self.itemSize/2 : self.itemSize/2) * mod );
_uiHash: function() {
return {
item: this.items[this.current],
value: this.current
但是如果你想要滚动,你需要一个像这样的 jQuery 滚动插件:https ://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel