如果我有类似下面的东西,那里面是什么意思synchronized block
synchronised (syncObject) {
基本上,这意味着只有一个线程可以在上述块内,一旦一个线程完成执行,第二个线程将进入该同步块synchronized (syncObject)。正确的?谁能用外行语言向我解释,以便我能得到更好的画面?
private static final class Task implements Runnable {
private static Object syncObject = new Object();
public Task(Command command, BlockingQueue<Integer> pool1, BlockingQueue<Integer> pool2) {
this.command = command;
this.existPool = pool1;
this.newPool = pool2;
public void run()
synchronised (syncObject) {
if() {
existId = existPool.take();
} else if() {
newId = newPool.take();
// So I need to make this method synchronized or not? Currently I have made this synchronized
private synchronized void attributeMethod(int range) {
// And suppose If I am calling any other method here-
// What about this method, I need to make this synchronized as well? or not?
private synchronized void sampleMethod() {