#define MAXBUF 1
int main(){
int ret, i, fd[2];
char buf[MAXBUF];
//Create a Pipe
ret = fork();//Creating process A
if (0 == ret)
printf("Process - A created\n");
//I need to wait till Process - A completes
//Let me close my write end else I will be blocked for ever in the loop below
//Waiting over reading the pipe -> The loop will come out when Process A exits
//Why ->since all the write ends of the pipe are closed, so read returns 0
while ((ret = read(fd[0], buf, MAXBUF)) > 0)
//Just Wait, the read blocks till A exits and then read returns 0
//Again a pipe to synchronise B and C
//Lets Create Now B and C
ret = fork();
if (0 == ret)
printf("Process - B created\n");
ret = fork();
if (0 == ret)
printf("Process - C created\n");
//Let me close my Write End of pipe
//Here Waiting for Termination of both B and C who can terminate in any order.
while ((ret = read(fd[0], buf, MAXBUF)) > 0)
//This loop will turn false only if both B & C have exited.
//Since both the write ends of the pipe that
//were there in B and C will no longer be available
//after they exit and thus the read will return 0
//Just Wait ..Do nothing
//Now all A, B, C are finished.
//Create D and E
ret = fork();
if (0 == ret)
printf("Process - D created\n");
ret = fork();
if (0 == ret)
printf("Process - E created\n");
//Here let the main process wait for all the 5 Child to complete
//This is not needed, but I gave given so that the Shell
//Prompt is shown after the code exits..
//If this is deleted then you need to press return
//to get back the shell prompt after the code completes execution.
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)